Chapter One: A New Roommate

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March 8, 2017, 3 PM

Liverpool, England

The young woman lay on the bed inside her dorm. She still had her blue school uniform on, despite her last class having ended nearly four hours prior. Some of her short, straight blue hair covered her face.  Music blasted from the headphones she wore, and if other people were to be in the same room as her, they would be able to hear it, completely defeating the purpose of wearing headphones. It was rather unusual, for most people at least.

Unfortunately, the room she was in wasn't much different. The curtains were completely shut, making the girl's phone the only source of light.  Half-dirty clothing was strewn on just about every surface. The fridge had a few opened cans of beer and the inside of the microwave was stained with dried up liquid. Scum began to form on the bathroom tiles. Reflections in the mirror were hardly visible. Stains and crumbs covered the girl's desk while stacks of biology notes were scattered over it, untouched.

This pitiful living situation had been going on for nearly seven months. Everyday was the same for the girl. Wake up, change into unwashed clothes, go to class, zone out, write a couple of sentences of notes by the time most of her classmates were gone, go back to her dorm, drink, eat her one and only meal of the day, listen to music, nap, drink some more, listen to some more music, change back into her pajamas, brush her teeth if she had the energy to, and once in a blue moon, take a shower before heading to bed. In between all this, she would scream, sob, and even simply remain unresponsive. Sometimes she didn't even realize she was crying until the tears fell on her hands.

However, this day didn't turn out to be quite like the rest. 

Three knocks sounded from the door. This was strange, but not enough that it would cause the girl to react.

"Hello?" A female voice with an Italian accent said. "Anyone home?"

No response from the girl on the bed. She was either ignoring the other girl or she couldn't hear her due to the volume of music.

"Oi, American girl, I know you're inside!"

The girl on the bed rolled onto her stomach as if no one was trying to come into her room.

"This door's probably open anyway. Alright, I'm coming in!"

She turned the handle and pushed it in.

The room was almost completely dark except for the light coming from the phone of the girl on the bed.

"You need some lights on in here, jeez, I wonder how you get anything done in here." the Italian girl said quietly.

She felt around for a switch and flicked it on. She had finally shown herself.

She wore a red uniform identical to the one worn by the girl on the bed. She wore a grey headband over her forehead. Her jacket and shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a grey crop top, a navel piercing, and well-toned abs. Her skin was tan and her hair was made up of very light brown, almost blonde, curly tresses.

"Oh cielo," Oh my goodness, she said. "Look at the state of this place! Did an earthquake happen here or something?"

The girl on the bed stayed still.

"Well, it looks like I've already got some work to do. So much for expecting a break after that tiring flight." she said to herself as she set her luggage down.

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