Chapter Eight: A Tale of Two Bloods

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Stand User: Keith Clapton

Age: 18

Stand Name: Brooklyn Zoo

Power: B

Speed: C

Range: A

Stamina: B

Precision: C

Potential: D

Aswan, Egypt, 1985

"Goddamn it," an older man with a thick, grey beard complained as his broad-shouldered body pushed through crowds of people in a market. "They should've known better than to host a meeting in this country. There are no street signs, and the streets themselves are chock full of people!"

The sun was at its highest, and the temperatures in the African nation are known to reach more than 40 degrees Celsius. The man had to reach his destination quickly in order to avoid the brunt of the sun's impact. The man was about to continue pushing forward, when he heard a voice yelling louder than the many others in the market.

"Hey, you, sir!"

The man just assumed it was another vendor calling out to potential customers and kept walking, but the voice called again.

"Sir, please come! Help yourself to some fresh fruit!"

The man turned his head in the direction of the voice. He saw a man behind a bullock cart waving at him. The cart was covered in various kinds of fruits and vegetables.  The vendor was young but had a wise aura to him. The older man pointed at himself and looked at the younger man to confirm if it was him he was calling to. The vendor nodded yes, so he approached him.

"Hello sir, would you like to buy some fruit? I only sell the freshest of the fresh. It's all grown on my family's land in my village."

The older man scanned through the different kinds of fruit. In the end, he chose one that he liked the most.

"I guess a couple of apples wouldn't hurt in this sweltering heat. How much for them, kid?" he asked the vendor.

"One Egyptian pound, please."

The man pulled out his wallet and searched through it, but realized he didn't have any of the local currency. Instead, he handed the vendor a US dollar.

"Hope that'll suffice." he said.

The vendor held the note with both of his hands, staring at it like a child who was just given chocolate.

"A US dollar? Seriously?" the vendor asked.

"Is there a problem with it?" the man asked back.

"No, no. This is amazing! Sir, you're too kind!" The vendor exclaimed gleefully.

"Really? It's just a dollar." The man said.

"A US dollar is worth so much here. I can finally start saving up money to buy my kid brother a new school uniform," the vendor said happily.

"That sounds great. It's a good thing that you're providing for your family. It's a shame that a guy like you is out here selling food in this cramped, musty old market."

"I've been doing this for nearly ten years. Hopefully, I'll make enough money that my siblings can enter university and that my brother doesn't have to join me here when he finishes high school in three years."

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