Chapter Six: The Master

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A man sat at a large, oak desk. The desk itself was at least a century old, but due to the delicate and careful work of multiple restorers over the years, it could still be used. The room was dimly lit with only a few candles in the room, but some features could be made out. Its walls were terracotta, where upon animal trophies and paintings, some of which were done by artists by the likes of Gauguin and Rembrandt, hung. The floor was covered in Persian rugs, and its ceiling decorated with a fresco of King Peter I of Portugal holding the heart of one of the assassins that murdered his wife Ines. Despite how extravagant the room was, it was just an office.

The man in the room looked just as phenomenal as it, however. He wore a red pleated pants, black Oxford shoes, and a lab coat that he wore over his bare torso. His chest was as impeccable as a Greek statue's, and his shoulder length, wavy green hair was accentuated by a bronze streak that fell over his face, while the rest of it was combed back. His jaw was well defined and covered with a three day old stubble. He was so healthy that he could've been mistaken for someone ten years younger.

"That Joestar..." the man said, irritated as he stared at the laptop screen in front of him. "She's smarter than she seems. I shouldn't have sent that fool after her, not at this stage. That woman's intelligence more than makes up for her lack of strength."

"Master Willis, what is the matter?" a feminine voice with a Middle Eastern accent asked, approaching the seated man from his left side.

"Broudie was retired. Beaten by Joestar's wit and knowledge. I should've known better."

"I have never had faith in Broudie. He was too arrogant for his own good." the voice said, as a pair of hands began to massage Nicholson's shoulders. These hands were incredibly pale, they looked as though their owner had been out in freezing weather for too long, even though it was spring. Their fingernails were painted black, with the nails of the thumbs being slightly longer than the rest. Their wrists were adorned with wide hammered gold bracelets. Other than this, it was too dark to make out any other features of this person's body.

"It wasn't a complete failure, though," Nicholson noted. "He sent me useful intel. One piece of information that he gave me was that Joestar was accompanied by another girl... another Stand user, although he himself didn't see her Stand. The other piece of information was that the kid that he hired was nowhere to be found, so it can be assumed that he defected from the job. I now know that we're dealing against a group, not just Joestar."

"So, what is your plan now, Master Willis?" the person, a servant, said.

Nicholson pondered for a moment, then gave out his order.

"Nourhanne, use your blood. Tell me where the Joestars are."

The servant made her way to the front of the desk. On this side of the desk was a large, 18th century map of the world. She put her hands above it, then using one of her thumb nails, stabbed the fleshy part of her palm on the other hand. Blood dropped onto the center of the map. The blood spontaneously divided into several smaller drops, and then, as if the map were waterproof, they began to glide to different areas of the map.

The wound in Nourhanne's hand had already healed by this point. She began to point at each drop, starting from the right side.

"Here in Japan, there are two dots here. One in Tokyo, and one in the town of Morioh."

"There should be three there. That means someone has moved."

"Indeed, someone has moved, but I will show you that in a moment,"

She moved her finger to Europe, where she focused on Italy.

"Here, we have three dots. Two of them... I can feel them! They are sons of Lord DIO!" she exclaimed ecstatically.

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