Chapter Eighteen: The Birth of an Enemy

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"Colony level thermoregulation..." Shizuka said as Hol Horse screamed in pain and Broudie cowered, being at the mercy of Clapton's bees. " a pretty cool behavior of honeybees. Hah, I never thought I'd be saying this. They can't handle a temperature change of more than a few degrees, so when it gets just a bit cold, the bees activate their flight muscles, thus keeping them warm. That's why as long as I wear this suit of bees, you can't drain my body heat."

Shocked due to how easily he was defeated for a second time by the Joestar girl, he fell to the pavement.

"I promise to never, ever try hurting you again, Miss Joestar. It was honestly a silly mistake for me to have come after you again!" Broudie cried.

"How do I trust your word when you flew over a whole ocean to another country and teamed up with another dude just to get back at me again, huh? You're a shitty excuse for a human being."

"Th-that was just a... miscalculation!" the middle aged man whimpered.

"Lies!" Shizuka said. "After I practically made your arm useless, you still decided to try capturing me. How greedy can you be? You're doing all this just for money? You tried kidnapping me and killing my roommate for some cash?"

"You know, maybe... a minimalist lifestyle doesn't sound bad." Broudie said in an attempt to convince himself that he was wrong.

"Shut the fuck up, old man. Your life in now in my hands. I could end you right here."

"P-Please!" Broudie cried. "Don't kill me, I still have... things to look forward too!"

"Who said anything about actually killing you? I don't do that. With that said, I hope you're looking forward to a little more misery."


Shizuka pointed her index finger at Broudie, and as if on command, the bees that made up the helmet of her 'suit' took off from her head and dived in his direction. She then turned away from him.

"Wanna give me a hand, Shizuka?" Clapton asked of her, having pinned Hol Horse to the ground as his bees assaulted him.

"Of course."

Clapton extended his arm and Shizuka caught it, and with a decent tug, helped him back on to his feet.

"Let's get a move on out of here before anyone discovers these two nuisances." Clapton said.


With that, the two began to walk away from the parking lot and back to the Flea Market where they would haul a ride back to Josuke and Monica's location. The sun had fully set by now, and the only light coming from the numerous street lamps dotted around the parking lot. The air was fairly warm, which was vaguely reminiscent of summer, even though it was only around mid-March.

"Clapton, you really saved us back there. I knew you were more than just a huge tower of meat." Shizuka said.

The young man responded to this with a chuckle.

"I guess it only happened because of how tough the situation we were in was. I tend to act differently in circumstances like that. And I definitely couldn't have done it without your help."

The plan Clapton had come up with was ingenious. He used Brooklyn Zoo's teleportation ability to return to the vicinity of Hol Horse and Broudie, while staying within the range of Shizuka's invisibility. Brooklyn Zoo itself turned into a colony of killer bees and became a full body suit of protection for Shizuka, who then left the Speedway by herself. The rest was easy to piece together, thanks to Clapton's knowledge of biology and Shizuka's physical capability, leading to the defeat of Broudie and Hol Horse.

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