Chapter Thirty-Seven: Dark Red (Part III)

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Stand User: Mira Tisu

Age: 25

Stand Name:  Dark Red

Power: B

Speed: A

Range: B

Stamina: A

Precision: A

Development Potential: C

"You can't infect women from a fast-moving car though, can you?" Bryson said spitefully to Mira. He made yet another turn to disorient her even more, but at the cost of his injured friend also feeling the same. As Clapton held his nearly mangled arm, he smiled. Bryson was starting to think for himself. He felt proud.

"Good job... Bryson." Clapton said even though the sheer pain in his arm made it hard for him to speak.

"Who said this... car had to keep... moving?" Mira said with malice, as she weakly leaned out of the car, holding her knife.

"Hey, Clapton, what is she doing? Tell me?" Bryson said as worry began to take over him again.

Clapton's face quickly became one of shock as he realized what Mira was trying to do.

"I.. I should've done her in... I... can't do much... now." Clapton said.

"Nah man, tell me what she's doing." Bryson said, trying not to panic. 

"She's... trying to puncture the tire on her side, with that knife."

Without needing more instructions, Bryson turned again at the next intersection.

"Bryson... what are you doing?" Clapton asked.

"I'm trying to get her to stop." he said.

"Oi, just because I'm hurt doesn't mean I can't help-


A sound all too familiar to Bryson was heard. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, struggling to control the vehicle as it spun around violently. It didn't seem to slow down. This was intentional, as he avoided having to use the brakes to prevent Mira from getting the chance to escape.

"Shit, shit, shit!" he cried as he tried to keep the vehicle on the road and not have it plow onto the sidewalk. Unfortunately for him, this was not enough. A crowd already began to converge on him, every single one of the people being women. They approached the vehicle from both the front and the back.

Clapton tried scanning the environment, looking for a vantage point. He knew that if he didn't help Bryson, both of them would be toast. He searched and searched, each spin of the vehicle offering him more to see. And he found it.

Blue. Lots, and lots of blue. Roughly twenty meters away was the Gulf of Naples. His fight-or-flight response let him rapidly think of his next step. It was a theory he'd never put into practice, but was the only chance he had of saving himself and Bryson from being trampled or beaten, or even outright death. He had to keep Mira from even getting close to Shizuka or Monica or they would become her unwitting slaves. He would not allow that to happen. Even though he was injured pretty badly, he wouldn't let Mira get away with such heinous acts.

He sent Brooklyn Zoo out again and it immediately began to morph and shrink into something that was no larger than the size of an average hand. Then, gradually, it returned to its original size, but kept its shape. After the glow of the transformation had subsided, Clapton could see its full form. It was an immensely large dung beetle, rivalling the Miata in size.

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