Chapter Twelve: Old Foes Unite

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Nashville, Tennessee

A man was sitting in a restaurant located in the city's historic Broadway area. He was with a much younger woman, their age difference easy to notice due to his graying blonde hair that was somewhat hidden by a cowboy hat.

"... that's how my work takes me all over the world. I've been to places like Egypt, India... all sorts of different countries. You know something? Just about everywhere I've been, I've always had fine women bumping into me for some reason. I even had a marriage proposal from a lady in this city called Calcutta. Of course, I had to turn her down for her sake. Wouldn't want a husband who's always travelling and never at home, right?" he asked.

"Nope." the woman said giggling.

"Well, these days, I'm usually here, in my home state. I ain't much of a globetrotter anymore. My body just ain't as efficient as it once was. You think it's time for me to settle down?"

"Why not? A man like you deserves to rest." the woman said.

Suddenly, a vibration was felt in the man's pocket.

"One second, sweetie. I got a text to look at."

He pulled his phone out to read the message:

Just arrived in town. Meet at Christ Church in 10 minutes??

"I'm terribly sorry," the man said to the woman. "Got important business to attend to. We'll meet up again soon, alright?"

"Alright, Hol. Go do your work." she said pleasantly.

He bid her farewell, then left the restaurant to get into his car.

"That British fella just had interrupt my nice little rendezvous, huh? I guess it can't be helped." he said. He arrived in front of the church a few minutes later. He stepped out,  and decided to take in the building's architecture for a moment. He found pleasure in looking at its gothic design, as well as its intricate woodwork and colorful stained glass windows. He then looked forward, and he could see a man get up from his seat on the church steps and walk towards him.

"Broudie, huh? Pleasure to meet ya, fella." he greeted the man, whose hand was bound in a cast.

"Yeah. It's good to meet you too, Hol Horse."

"Ahh, so... wanna tell me about this task we need to accomplish?"

"Yes, of course. There's a group of individuals who are currently travelling to Dallas from New York. My boss tells me they're travelling by car, so they're certain to stop by this city later today. We need to incapacitate or... terminate them all, except for one of them. A girl."

"I'm gonna need more information than that. Do you know anything about anyone in that group?"

"Well, yes. One of them used to be an accomplice of mine. Really tall young man. His Stand is able to turn into animals and can teleport to some extent."

"So we're dealing with Stand users here?"

"Indeed. Another one is a young woman who I believe is Italian, however, I haven't seen her Stand as of yet. And the final two individuals... you may be familiar with."

"How so?"

"They're children of Joseph Joestar. Josuke Higashikata and Shizuka Joestar."

"J-Joestar? Joestar, did I hear that right? That family? Hell no, I ain't dealing with him or his spawns anymore," Hol Horse said with a combination of anxiety and anger. "Buncha' stubborn assholes, they are. Really tough nuts to crack, and that's coming from me. I'm sorry Broudie. Consider this deal off." he said as he prepared to return to his car.

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