Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Sad Story (Part I)

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Jai Miyamoto's eyes opened up to a blank ceiling made of wooden planks. He felt that his chest was bound to something tightly. He looked at his surroundings and realized that he was in the bedroom that he held Shizuka in, lying in the very bed where she was comatose in. He was attached to it via nylon rope that she tied around his torso, effectively chaining him to it. His arms and legs were free, but due to his state, they were practically useless.

"Hey," a voice said from the corner of the small room, "Thanks for not making me a killer. My brother wouldn't like it if you died after I took you out."

"J-Joestar?" he said, seeing her dark figure in the peripherals of his vision.

"You're gonna answer a few questions for me." she said, standing up and dragging the chair with her to sit closer to Jai. As she walked, Jai noticed her limping in the leg he shot her in. It was remarkable how resilient she was, even though a bullet hit and grazed her thigh. Still, Jai was unmoved. He slapped his pockets, feeling around for something.

"Looking for this little gadget?" Shizuka said, holding his Apache revolver. "I find it interesting that you even have one of these. Weren't these discontinued like 140 years ago?"

Jai, though starting to become insecure due to his unprecedented position, continuing to look at her with defiance. 

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you with this. Unless, of course, you want me to."

"Ask your fucking questions already," Jai said with irritation and annoyance. "I'm... tired."

Shizuka took a moment before starting her interrogation. With a sigh, she began.

"Are you Jai Miyamoto?"

"I am." he said with no clear emotion.

"What's your connection with Nicholson? Wait, scratch that, that's not important. Tell me why Nicholson wants me. Why am I so special to him that he's sent four people after me?"

"I... I don't know. I can only speculate as to why, but-

"Bullshit! You were his intern, right? How the fuck do you not know why he's been trying to kidnap me? You're the only person who knows where he is, and yet, you don't know why he's obsessed with me?"

"Frankly, I don't give a shit as to why he wants you. That's none of my concern."

"Why are you doing his dirty work, then? Are you a mindless slave? Is he controlling you?" Shizuka pressed Jai.

"There's so much you don't know."

"Yeah, like why the fuck your boss is so obsessed with me. You're telling me you have no idea why he wants me, yet you're doing what he wants?"

Jai chuckled a bit. Shizuka slapped across the face with the back of his hand. Jai continued to smile like a sick madman. 

"It's not him who's controlling me, Joestar. It's more like the opposite. I allowed the man to take me under his wing. I did what he wanted so he could trust in me. He trusts me enough that he lets me take care of crucial tasks. I'm not just any silly minion of his."

This response confounded Shizuka. She'd always assumed that everyone who was associated with Nicholson had been so to satisfy their desire for money, like Clapton or Broudie. What exactly was Miyamoto's goal?

"So... you're not trying to get paid big like the other guys? What the hell do you want, then?" Shizuka asked.

"I'll tell you after you put away that revolver. What can a guy bound up like this do to you, anyway?"

Shizuka looked at the weapon in her hand. She hesitated at first, not wanting to give in to her enemy, but she did agree with him. What could someone in his state do to her? She placed it at her feet so that it wouldn't distract either of them.

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