Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Tenant

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Stand User: Monica Avdol

Age: 17

Stand Name: Bad Touch

Power: B

Speed: A

Range: C

Stamina: A

Precision: A

Development Potential: B

Shizuka pushed her key into the hole in the doorknob.

"Well, here goes nothing." she said, turning the key and pushing the door in, about to enter the apartment she called home for her entire life. She stepped inside, allowing Team Joestar into their temporary abode and was about to flick on a light, when a figure appeared in front of her. It wasn't there when she opened the door. It just suddenly appeared after she had entered. The figure was very tall, almost the same height as Clapton. It wore a dark overcoat and snakeskin pants and shoes. Shizuka looked up to see the face of a middle-aged man. Besides having a few gray hairs on his head and slightly visible crow's feet around his eyes, he looked good for his age.

"Good grief..." he said. "Shizuka, it's nice to see you, but shouldn't you be in Liverpool now?" the man said.

"J-Jotaro-san? I didn't expect to see you here..."

"Neither did I expect-- Josuke, you too?" Jotaro said as he noticed his uncle standing behind his aunt.

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry for the intrusion, we thought it would be an empty house." Josuke said.

"It's fine. I should've told you this but I had to come here for some important work. I'll be here for a couple of weeks, then I'll head back home. What's... all this you've got here?" he said, as he noticed all four people in the group.

"Guys," Josuke said to Monica and Clapton. "This is my nephew, Dr. Jotaro Kujo. He teaches marine biology at Florida State University."

Clapton stepped up and offered his hand for Jotaro to shake.

"I'm Keith Clapton. I'm a classmate of Shizuka's."

"Pleasure to meet you, Keith," he said, accepting his handshake. "And you?" he said, turning to Monica.

"Monica Avdol. I'm her roommate." she said shyly.

"Wait... Avdol? Is that your last name?"

"Jotaro-san, her uncle was Muhammad Avdol. He was your friend from Egypt, right?" Josuke said.

"Yeah," he said, studying Monica's face. "Monica, you never met him, but he was really a great man. He named my Stand, Star Platinum. Years ago, he helped my grandfather and I fight DIO,"

"I know about that." Monica said softly.

"So your parents have been telling you about him. That's good to hear,"

Jotaro then turned to Josuke.

"So, what exactly is going on here? How come you guys came all the way from Japan and England?" Jotaro asked his nephew.

"It's a long story. Let's head to the living room so we can explain it to you."

Sitting on French-made couches Joseph bought years ago, Josuke told everything that had happened. From the message he got from Deputy Chief Hanks, to the fight over the Atlantic Ocean, the story left even the normally cool-headed Jotaro a little bit taken aback.

"So you're doing this for Gramps... that's very admirable of you. I received a message like the one you got, Josuke, but I just haven't had the time to act on it. I know you guys will probably do a better job than me. And Shizuka," he said, bending down to her eye-level while lightly placing one of his hands on her shoulder. "I know you will make your Papa proud. Don't ever feel intimidated. Your brother and friends will be there every step of the way. Believe in them. I'm sure they believe in you, too."

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