Chapter Forty-One: Apocalypse Dreams (Part III)

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Stand User: Nourhanne

Age: ~20 (physically), ~50 (chronologically)

Stand Name: Apocalypse Dreams: Soundgarden

Power: C

Speed: B

Range: A, possibly infinite

Stamina: A

Precision: A

Development Potential: C

"Thank God JoJo gave me this revolver, I don't know what I'd do without it." Monica said as soon as she fired the shot. Barely a second later, it had hit its target.

"Ha... mon... it's Hamon..." Nourhanne said as she looked at her hand which had dropped to the floor. "It's... it's like the sun. It burns." the vampire said.  She crouched down to pick up her severed appendage and connected its damaged end to its corresponding body part on her body. They fused together in mere moments. Then, Nourhanne set her gaze upon Monica.

The girl ran as far as she could, as fast as she could. She dashed out of the hallway back into the foyer, then instinctively dashed towards the hallway on the right of the stairs. She tried to look for a room with a lot of obstacles, both to distance herself from the vampire and to give her plenty of material to use her Hamon on.

She peered into each doorway, praying the rooms they led to could offer her any kind of edge. She ran and ran, until she reached the end of the hallway. She kicked open the last door, which led her into a medium-sized room. She found the kind that she was looking for.

"It's a library." she said. She wasted no time and made it to the back of the room, where three massive windows separated her from the outside world, overlooking the Gulf of Venice. 

"It knows I'm here. It'll come by... any moment now," Monica thought to herself as she looked for vantage points in the large room. "Bryson didn't get up after he and the vampire fought.  He might be hurt. Really hurt. That's why I have to make this fight quick. I have to kill it so I can help him, and obviously JoJo and Clapton too. I have to fight the damn thing by myself!"

Mere moments felt like minutes as the reality of the situation made time seem to go by more slowly. Seconds later, Nourhanne entered the room, drunk in bloodlust. She overcame the loss of her leg by using her hands to pull her forward, taking the stance of a quadruped being.

"There's no need for you to hide. I'll find you sooner or later. My senses are invincible, you can't outwork them... not with that human body, anyway." Nourhanne said, her voice brimming with pride in her vampiric physiology. "Ah... you know what? I'll let you get the first hit, just like the brat out in the other hallway! Just to make you feel better before I get my payment out of you..."

Nothing happened immediately. Nourhanne looked around, without moving from her spot in front of the doorway. 

"Taking your sweet time, eh? Alright, you do that. In fact, this is a great test for me! I haven't had a good fight in years. Come at me with everything you've got, my dear visitor!" Nourhanne exclaimed.

"You speak a lot for a monster." Monica's voice said from roughly above Nourhanne's head after another short spell of silence, but in reality, it had come from Bad Touch, whose range was slightly more extended than normal due to its User's proficiency in Hamon.

"Huh?" was all the vampire could muster out before thin strips of paper folded in a very particular way appeared before her eyes, coming out of nowhere. They were thin, but they felt dense wood if one were to be unfortunate enough to be hit by them, and they were obviously as sharp as knives, if not sharper. She swung back in an effort to dodge them, but even then, the very tip of her nose had been sliced off. Unbalanced, Nourhanne fell to the floor. She staggered back up to her quadruped stance, blood dripping down her face.

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