Chapter Fifteen: Nashville Knockdown (Part I)

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Stand User: Bryson West

Age: 16

Stand Name: Wrap Your Troubles 

Power: D

Speed: C

Range: B

Stamina: A

Precision: C

Potential: B

"I really thought this place was gonna be a bit more... you know, exciting," Monica said, as she waited in line to put food on her tray. "But this is really like... a school cafeteria."

The relatively small restaurant had the aroma of smoked meat. Its wooden walls were covered covered in framed photos of local and American celebrities alike, including ones that had visited it in the past, as well local sites and attractions. The place had an old-school, diner-like vibe to it. The few other patrons inside seemed to be locals who were all happily chowing down on their food.

"Not everything has to be fancy for you to enjoy it." Shizuka said, rolling her eyes at her Italian friend as she chose her choice of meat and three side dishes, as is customary with a meat and three menu.

"Yeah, that is true. Not complaining, though. Just... not quite what I'm used to."

Monica had always eaten at classy Italian restaurants throughout her life. Never did she expect to eat at a humble, mom-and-pop establishment in the American South. But she was always open to trying new things, and this was certainly one.

Monica's turn to choose her dishes came, and she went with chicken fried steak topped with milk gravy, as well sides of potatoes, spaghetti and corn.

"Say, I don't usually get customers from abroad down here," the person serving her food, a middle aged man with a dark complexion said. "Where you from, Miss?"

"Oh... I'm from Italy. Have you heard of somewhere called Sicily?" Monica said.

"Ain't that the Mafia island?" the server asked. "You're from there?"

"Yeah, I am. It was a Mafia island, as you call it, until about a few years. They were all snuffed out."

The man's pupils grew bigger as he heard this.

"All of them? What, did the entire European Union come and clean 'em out?" the man said jokingly.

"Nope," Monica giggled. "A gang did."

"Now, hold on. A gang took over the territory of the entire rest of the Mafia in Sicily? Well, ain't that a bunch of flim-flam." he said in disbelief.

"No, no, sir. I'm being serious. And not only did they wipe out the Mafia, they did a lot of things for us. They straightened out the police, pumped money back into our economy... they just made it a much more pleasant place. They're... not really a gang in the traditional sense. They're more like... angels, really."

"Ah, that's what they are, huh? What do you call them?"

"Passione." Monica said.

"Passione, I might just have to look them up,"

The man's eyes lifted from gazing onto Monica, and found themselves looking at Team Joestar, who were waving at Monica, trying to get her to join back up with them.

"Your friends are calling you, Miss. Enjoy your meal." the server said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, sir. I'm sure I will." she said, and with that, she sat with her Team at their table, sitting beside Josuke.

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