Chapter 22

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(Four Months Later)
(In The Hospital)

"Push! push! Come on, you can do it!" I yelled from beside my beautiful pregnant friend that would be a mother soon.
"I can't do it! It's to hard! It hurts like a fucking house is coming out of me! And that's saying something cause I never curse and houses are huge!!" She said gripping onto the bed so hard I thought it would brake.
"Just calm down I know it hurts but you can get though this and have a beautiful baby." I said with soothing words.
"Ok, ok. I'll try." She said with a red face.
"Ok one last push and the baby will be out." The doctor said with a smile. "OOOOWWWWWW!" Ellie yelled with one last big push. "Oh thank the gods it's over and I have my ba-" she got cut of by the doctor.
"There's one more baby coming. just give me two more pushes." The doctor said as another babies head crowned. "No, no, no, I was only supposed to have one baby!" Ellie screeched.
"Yes but the first baby must have been hiding the second on the ultrasound." The doctor explained as Ellie pushed.
"GHKBDIBUMX!!" Ellie screamed at the top of her lungs as she forced the baby out.
The first one was a girl and second was a boy. They were absolutely beautiful and completely adorable.
"They're so beautiful." Ellie said as she held them and a tear came rolling down her face.
The babies were all slimy and naked but the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
"Do you have the names?" The doctor asked.
"Yes, she is Annabelle Louise Taylor. Louise after my grandmother and Taylor is my last name, but you already knew the last name thing." Ellie said smiling at her baby girl.
"That's a beautiful name." I said also smiling. "And the boy?" I asked
"He is Adam Andrew Taylor." She said smiling at her baby boy.
"I absolutely love those names." I said with excitement. "I know it's to early to be naming my babies but I'll name my boy Aden Hastings Winter and my girl Rachael Leona Winter." I said as Tyler went to hold his twins.
"Those are beautiful names Kate." She said making sure Tyler was careful with the babies.
"Thank you." I said. "Can I hold them?" I asked walking towards the babies.
"Yeah sure just be really careful." She said handing me the babies.
I made sure I was extremely careful with them. I know how fragile they are.
They are so cute they have now been cleaned off and wrapped up in little blankets with little hats on them. Adams' hat blue and an Annabelles' pink.
I then gave them back to her and she started breast feeding them.

Yay the babies are here! What do you think of Ellie's babies names?
If you like the story let me know by voting and commenting.

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