chapter one - i don't want to date him

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Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood
you should listen to this while reading this

Sora's POV

"Ugh, I get it mom I know!" I yell at my mom from up the stairs.

"I'm only doing what's best for you, sweetie."

"Forcing me into a relationship? Is that what's really best for me?"

"Honey, you are eighteen and you never had a partner before. I think it's time for you to date, someone, don't you think?"

"I don't want to date him though! He isn't my type and would never be the one for me."

"I know, honey. And you can date a boy, Sora. Just please take an interest in dating someone, please."

"Fine mom I'll think about it, I promise." I close my door to my room and land face-first into my bed. Why does my mom have to be so concerned with me dating someone? I don't like anyone. "Ugh, why does this have to happen to me?" I said when I was mumbling into my pillow.

A few minutes later I hear a discord call notification coming from my computer. 'I wonder who could be calling me?' I thought to myself.

I get up from my bed and open up discord. I see that Jaxx was calling me, so I decided to join and see what's up.

"Oh, hey Sora." I heard Jaxx say through the call.

"Hey Jaxx. How are you?"

"Nothing much. I was bored so I decided to call you. Anything special happening with you?"

"My mom is setting me up on a date this weekend."

"Oh, that's good. You could finally get yourself a man, aye Sora."

"I wish. I don't even like this man. He isn't even my type."

"Your mom is just concerned for you Sora."

"I know, but I don't even want to date him. Like she's forcing me into a relationship I don't want to be in."

"Well sorry Sora, but I don't know how to help you there. I mean at least you have a few days until the weekend."

"Yeah, I guess."

"But hey, look on the bright side. You could get yourself a man before I can. Whenever I tease you, you can say that you have a man and I don't."

"Haha, yeah I guess." There was an awkward silence after that. Like what is there to say after that?

"Hey, Sora?" Jaxx asked after the minute of the both of us not talking. "Do you know who you are going to go out with?"

"Just my mom's friend son. Nothing too interesting."

"Do you guys usually talk?"

"Hm, sometimes. I really only talk to him when our parents are together."

"What's he like?"

"I mean, he's dark, quiet, and actually pretty short. Like shorter than you."

"Excuse me, I am not shorter than you."

"Yeah yeah. Your three inches shorter than me."

"Yeah, but I am older than you."

"Yeah, and still shorter than me."

"Oh, shut up. Was I ever taller than you?"

"I think you were before, but then I overtook you in height. Because I am better than you."

"Oh ha, ha. Get off your little high horse would you."

"You said little. Just like you."

"Oh be quiet." We both laugh it off as a common joke the both of us make. We always try to make fun of each other as much a possible and throw in some flirting from time to time.

"Hey, Sora?"


"We're still going to be friends when you get yourself a boyfriend, yeah?"

"Of course Jaxx! Well, I don't think I'm going to date him but if I ever date someone who isn't you, we will still be friends."

"Oh Sora, just date me already."

"Jaxx, I'm already ready to marry you. Let's kiss honey bunny."

"One step ahead of you sugar muffin. Marry me sweet cheeks."

"Oh yes! I accept prince charming." We both start laughing to the point we both start crying. I called Jaxx one of those cheesy pet names, and now it's our thing that we call each other cringy names as much as we can.

"Sora!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "It's time for dinner."

"Alright, mom. Sorry Jaxx. I gotta head off now. My mom wants me to eat dinner."

"Oh alright. Well bye, Sora."

"Bye, I'll probably text you afterward."

"Okay bye, Sora."

"Bye Jaxx," I leave the call and closeout of discord. I start to head downstairs, dreading this talk with my mom. "Hey, mom."

"Oh, sweetie. I'm sorry about earlier. I should have asked you first."

"Yeah, yeah. Is dad coming home tonight?"

"Dad is going to stay late at work again tonight."

"Oh alright." We set the table and get our food ready. Thank god the food was actually good tonight. We sit down and there wasn't much conversation in the beginning, but of course, she brings him up.

"So Sora sweetie. You should try talking to him more. I know you guys would be good friends."

"Mom, he's so boring and uninteresting."


"I'm sorry but it's the truth. And plus he's so short. Like he's 6 inches shorter than me."

"Sora, you are just taller than the average height. Of course, you are going to be taller than him. You can't be so picky."

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"I set up a video call for you to talk."

"Mom, I don't walk to talk to him."

"Come on, give him a chance. Please."

"Fine fine. When is it?"

"Tonight, maybe like eight-thirty." 

I look at the clock and it was eight-thirty. So in about seventeen minutes, I will video call him.

"Fine, I'll call him."

"Thank you, sweetheart. Ill set up the call for later."

I finish up dinner and head to my room. I pull out discord on my computer and message Jaxx. I need to complain to someone about this. I lied in bed and wait for Jaxx to respond. 

I can't believe I'm going to have to talk to him though. I guess I'm just going to have to wait for him to call me.

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