chapter sixteen - the carnival

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Sora POV

The clock reached six o'clock, and it was now time for the three of us to go to the carnival. Jaxx and I haven't talked to each other since that incident that happened in the kitchen. I mean, what are we supposed to say after that? It's going to be so awkward between the two of us now.

It's not like I would of mind the kiss. I would have enjoyed it, to be honest with you. But after finding out that Levi was there, that just made it awkward. I haven't spoken to Jaxx after that. He was just in his room with his door shut. I feel bad, like it was my fault.

The three of us get into the car, with Levi and me in the front and Jaxx in the back. He probably didn't want to sit up front, but then again, Levi wanted to sit upfront. Levi didn't bring out the incident that happened earlier, but only asked to play some music. "Hey Jaxx, do you want to play some music? We can play your favorite, Drivers License." Levi tried to send Jaxx a smile but was shut down since Jaxx seemed distracted by something on his phone.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm good. You can play whatever you want though." Jaxx looked up from his phone but looks back down. I can't read his expression though. He seemed so emotionless. I really wanted to know what he's looking at though.


Jaxx POV

Sora. Oh Sora, you dangerous man. Playing around with my feelings like this. Earlier, Levi sent me the photo of us at the park. I was in my room all alone and I got an apology text from Levi. He told me that he was sorry and he sent me the photo from us earlier at the park when I was holding Sora to help him make a stupid shot, thinking that I would want it. I was also looking at the photo from the other day. Where Sora and I were cuddling that one morning. I almost started crying when I was looking at the two photos. Pathetic, I know. But after we almost kissed, and after talking to Levi I thought a lot about Sora. And how much I love him. I've just been staring at the two photos with a bunch of unknown feelings filling my body. It's a curse and a blessing.


No one POV

The three boys made it to the carnival around eight-thirty and it was pretty crowded. They headed over to the ticket booth and got themself each a card, all having over 500 credits on it. Don't worry about how much it cost. Sora is rich.

Jaxx was still a little cold at first, but the other two assumed that after a few rides, he will be fine. They entered the area, and they walked around for a good five minutes to find a ride. The first ride that interested us was the yo-yo ride. The big swings. They waited in line for quite a bit and then got onto the ride. It was one of the two-rider seats, and Levi forced Jaxx and Sora to ride together. The two got onto the chair but they didn't say much, just looked off to the side or at least tried not to make eye contact. The ride started joining, and the two boys looked at each other, bracing themself for what is about to happen. The ride started to pick up and the two started to enjoy themself. After the ride finished, Jaxx was in a brighter mood and actually started to talk more with the others.


"Guys! Let's go on the teacups." Sora rushed to Levi and Jaxx and tried to convince them to ride the teacups.

"Sora, we all know what happened last time. I'm not gonna be there for what happens." The two boys refused to go on that spinning ride and threatened to leave Sora if he was still going to ask them. Ultimately, in the end, Sora gave up on trying to convince them to go on the ride and went to go look for other rides to go on.


"Oh, guys look," Levi points to the left of us, showing us the bumper cars. "We should go on that."

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