chapter two - videos calls

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Sora's POV

"Are you ready?" My mom asks me while setting up the call on my computer.

"Yeah, I guess," I get on my chair and we ring him. It took them a few minutes for them to finally answer us.

"Oh, hello Jackie." I heard his mom say through the computer screen. "Sorry, he's taking a while. I'm going to go get him, I'll be right back." She goes up to go get him and my mom leaves the room. 

I made another tab and texted Jaxx again. I was venting to him about not wanting to talk to this guy on call and wanting to leave.

"Um, hey?" I heard him say from the other tab.

"Oh, hey Levi."

"Um, what's up. What are you doing?"

"Eh, nothing much I guess. Just messaging friends."

"Oh, I see," after he said that, there was an awkward silence. But what did we expect? We don't even know each other that well. There isn't much to say.

"Okay mom, I'll talk to him." I looked up onto the screen and saw Levi getting up and pushing his mom out of the room. "Yes, yes I will. Now leave me alone." I saw him climb back into his chair and he stared at me with an angered expression. 

"Listen here Sora, or whatever your name is. I don't want to date you. You seem like a nice guy but I'm simply not interested in you."

"Oh yeah, same here." I let out a sigh of relief and fall back into my chair. "Thank god we're on the same page."

"Yeah, I'm just simply not into anyone. My mom just said I need to start some people now. Not really interested in anyone though."

"Yeah, same. My mom is trying to force me into a relationship. Kind of dumb if you ask me."

"Just fake a relationship with someone."

"Wait what?"

"Well go find a friend, ask them to get into a fake relationship with, and convince your mom that the both of you are dating. Pretty easy if you ask me."

"Actually, that isn't a bad idea," I brightly smile at the camera on top of my screen. "But I don't really have anyone to do it with."

"Do you not have friends?"

"I do, but they're both in relationships." I sigh and all of the excitement I had left my body. I get a discord notification from my computer and I check to see who it was, and it was Jaxx. I let out a small giggle from one of the memes he sent me.

"You have discord?" I heard Levi asking with a blank expression.

"Uh, yeah. Do you?"

"Yeah, can I have your discord?"

"Yeah sure," I tell him my discord and he tells me his.

"Thanks, man."

"Yeah, no problem. Who are you texting by the way?" 

"Oh, just one of my friends." I let out another smile when he sent another meme.

"So would you guys say that the both of you are close?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then date them."

"Wait what?" I switch my tab to voice call and stare straight at him on my screen. "I can't date him! He's just a friend."

"You know those people who say you like the person if you smile and laugh at their texts?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

fake love // soraxxWhere stories live. Discover now