chapter eleven - the dinner

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Sora POV

We were in my car, driving home from the spot I took Jaxx to. He said that he wanted to change before we got to my house, so it would "leave a better impression on my mom."He was playing some interesting song choices that were just not matching the mood. "Jaxx, this song sucks."

"What!?" He yelled. "I can listen to driver's licenses if I want to."

"Yeah, if you're in the mood to cry. Give me your phone I'll choose a better song."He rolled his eyes and handed me his phone. I wanted to choose a more upbeat song. I was trying to think of some good songs, and I thought of the perfect song.

"Sports by Beach Bunny? Seriously?" He questioned my amazing song choice.

"It's a good song, okay. It's a better song to match the mood." 

"Ha, yeah I guess so." We drove home with barely any of us talking. It was extremely obvious that Jaxx was nervous. You could tell from a mile away. I wouldn't blame him though, I would be nervous too. He was obviously trying to calm himself down, fidgeting with his fingers and biting his nails. 

We finally arrive at my house, and Jaxx was very hesitant about it all. "Sora, maybe this isn't the best idea. Maybe we should just, tell your mom the truth."

"What!? We can't just back down now. That's going to make me look like a terrible son if I do that."

"But, you are doing that."

"Look, Jaxx. We're not even dating, so what are you so scared about?"

"I just don't want your mom to hate me, that's all."

"Don't worry Jaxx! My mom would absolutely love you. She's the nicest person on the planet."

"So, how are we supposed to act during the dinner? All lovely dovey or something calmer?"

"Um, just act how we usually act."

"And how is that?"

"I guess we could call each other those pet names we call each other on when we're calling on discord."

"Yeah, but this is real life. This is a whole new scenario."

"We won't take it too far. Maybe just like sweetheart or baby. Something like that."

"Okay," Jaxx says letting out a sigh. "Okay, let's do this."

I smile at him and reach out to take my keys out of my pocket. I look down at my watch and saw that it's 8:30. 'Here just in time.' I thought to myself. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."


Jaxx POV

Sora puts his keys into the door and opens it. I put my hands in the pockets of my pants to hide my shaking hands. He grabs my hand out of my pocket and holds it in his hand. I start to blush at the sudden movement. I take a deep breath to try and relax. Let's just hope that she nothing like my mom.

"Oh sweetie, you're home." Sora's mom hugged him and looked at me. "And is this the handsome man right here your boyfriend?"

"Mom, stop it. That's embarrassing."

"Oh, you'll be fine sweetheart. What a wonderful boyfriend you have here. And you're so tall too! What's your name darling?"

"Mom, this is my boyfriend, Jaxx. Jaxx, this is my mom." 

"Uh, hi," I say out shaky.

"Aww, you don't have to be scared. I know it's scary when meeting someone's parents. So, are you guys ready for dinner?"

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