chapter seventeen - our first official date

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Jaxx was in the room Sora let him stay in to change his outfit. Jaxx was going through all the outfits he brought with him, but none of them had any interest. This was going to be their first official date, and Jaxx wanted to look good for his new boyfriend. Plus, this was his last day at Sora's house and they wouldn't see each other for another long while.

The date Jaxx planned was a simple date. Nothing too extravagant. He wanted to go on a small road trip around Texas, have a nice candle-lit picnic by the beach to watch the sunset.

Jaxx didn't want to wear anything special, something casual and comfortable for the ride.

"Ready to go?" Jaxx asked while putting on his jacket for the long ride.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sora was wearing Jaxx and Sora got into the range rover which belonged to the cyan boy's mom. Jaxx got into the driver's seat and Sora got into the passenger seat. They filled the back of the car with all kinds of snacks that the two boys liked. Along with blankets and pillows for the two to relax. Jaxx backs out of the driveway and hits the road.

"So, where do you want to go first," the red-headed boy asked the cyan boy.

"Hm, do you want to drive to the farmer's market? I heard there are some good things there." Sora responds and Jaxx agreed. Sora searched up the destination and put it on the GPS. Sora tried holding Jaxx's hand in the car, but he thought it would be too dangerous and that they might fall off the side and die. So he decided not to do that. The ride was about thirty minutes, but they finally got there.

Sora got out of the car all tired but Jaxx got out of the car excited for what he would find. "Where do you want to go first?" Jaxx asked the shorter male behind him.

"Where ever you want," Sora shrugged in response looked up at Jaxx. "I wanna go back in the car and sleep."

"But you wanted to come here."

"Fine, let's go somewhere," Sora handed out Jaxx's hand and Jaxx slowly took it. This was their first time being more open in public and Jaxx was scared. They haven't done much since last night which was sharing the bed. They already did that before. But this time, they were in an actual relationship. Jaxx was just really scared of the people, and their homophobic thoughts to the boys. He tried brushing them aside and hanging out with his new boyfriend.


"Jaxx, look!" Sora pulled on Jaxx's arm to get his attention. "They're candles!" Jaxx looked around and spotted a booth with a lot of candles. "Can we go, please," Sora pleaded and Jaxx couldn't say no to him. They went over to the candle booth and saw all of the pretty candles there and it all smelt so good. The booth was crowded and that was understandable since they all looked really nice.

"Welcome boys, is there any specific scent you guys are looking for?" Some short, sweet old lady turned around to face the boys.

"Do you have any vanilla scents?" The cyan boy questioned and the old lady turned around to check what she had in stock. "Vanilla? Really Sora," Jaxx chuckled to the boy which made Sora turn around to face him.

"Hey! Vanilla has a good scent and is hated on too much," Sora turned around and faced back to the old lady.

"Whatever you say," Jaxx looked to face the old lady who was coming back with three candles.

"Well honey, a lot of people came to buy most of our vanilla candles, but we have three left, and it's Strawberry Vanilla, Lavender Vanilla, and Pumpkin Vanilla Latte." She lays out all of the candles for Sora to see.

"Hm, can I take the Strawberry Vanilla one to please?" Sora pointed to the candle.

"Great choice, and would you like a candle to sir," she sends Jaxx a big smile which was hard to say no to. " We have a half-off deal, buy one get another half off."

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