chapter four - calls with levi

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"Hey Levi," I say when I join the discord call with him. He was looking down at his phone, probably texting someone or scrolling through Twitter.

"Oh, hey Sora." He puts his phone down and relaxes into his chair. "Hey, sorry for calling you on such short notice, but I just have something I need to show you."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Look at this." Levi holds up his phone, with a text message from his mom saying that dinner has been moved to tomorrow night.

"Wait what? My mom never told me anything?"

"Yeah, she just texted me just a minute ago."

"Well, I guess we're going to have dinner tomorrow night then."

There was a brief minute of silence until Levi started talking again.

"Did you find someone to have your "relationship" with?" He said with putting air quotations up.

"Oh yeah actually! His name is Jaxx and he said he would do it."

"Oh sweet. What does he look like?"

"Um, he has red, spiky hair, that makes him look like Kirishima from My Hero Academia."

"Oh, I know that show."

"Really! I mean it's a good anime if I say so myself, but let's carry on. He has a very energetic personality, and actually pretty short. How tall are you Levi?"

"I'm like, 5'9"

"Wow, you are tiny."

"Oh, how tall are you!" Levi started yelling at me.

"I'm at least 6'0. Even Jaxx is taller than you and I thought he was short."

"Alright alright, I'm shorter than both of you I get it. Well, I'm actually taller than the average male I'll have you know."

"Were you really that self-conscious that you had to search up the average male height?"

"Um, no Sora," Levi tells back in a sassy way. "My brother Luca, is actually shorter than me, and searched it up with me so he could find out."

"Alright, alright Levi. Whatever you say."

"I'm serious," Levi is laughing through his sentence. "Luca is the one who searched it up."

"Oh really, now I'm supposed to believe that you have a magical brother now?"

"I have a brother!" We were both laughing and more and more time was passing. I decided to play a few games with Levi. And Levi won almost all of them.

"Yes finally!" I cheered in the air after finally winning a game to Levi.

"Wow, congratulations Sora. You won your first game."

"Oh be quiet!" We were both laughing and load into another game. I look at the time and see that it's 11:15.

"Oh, shoot."


"Sorry Levi, I gotta go. I need to call Jaxx back."

"Oh alright, see yeah."

"Bye!" I leave the call and find Jaxx's account and ring him.

"Bye!" I leave the call and find Jaxx's account and ring him

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Levi's room ^^

does anyone have any song suggestions?

and sorry this was so short

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