chapter five - more and more calls

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Sora's POV

'Come on, come on, pick up Jaxx.' I thought to myself when I rang Jaxx for the third time.

"Hello?" I heard him say when he finally joined the call. "Sorry, I was getting my cheez its"

"Sorry I was on call for so long with Levi."

"Yeah, it's fine, don't worry about it. What were you guys doing?"

"Jaxx, you wouldn't believe it, but they moved the dinner to tomorrow night."

"Wait what? I thought you told your mom about our relationship."

"Well I mean, I didn't really get the time to yet."

"I thought you asked to do this whole fake dating thing just so your parents would get off your back. If your mom wants you to date Levi so bad then just date him instead."

"Oh, no, I don't even like him. I could never date him. We only see each other as friends and he isn't my type at all."

"So are you saying that I'm your type?"

"Well I mean, we're just better friends, you know. We're closer. So it's fitting for me to chose you instead of him."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Jaxx rolled his eyes and got off his chair. "I'm going to get water. I'll be back."

Jaxx got up and closed his door. I sigh a lean back into my chair. I know I was on a call with Levi for a long while, and that he was probably waiting for me, but I didn't think that he would be this mad.

I try to take my mind off that and continue to message Levi on discord. It's been quite a while and Jaxx still isn't back. Messaging Levi isn't really passing the time either.

"Hey, I'm back," Jaxx said coming into the frame with his cup of water. 

"Oh, sorry about that earlier. I did lose track of time."

"It's alright. I can't stop you from talking to other people."

"But I just left you alone. I do apologize."

"Yeah yeah. Don't worry about it." There was an awkward silence for a bit then Jaxx spoke up again. "Oh, sorry Sora but my friend is calling me. I'll call you tomorrow alright?"

"Yeah sure. See you tomorrow Jaxx."

"Bye Sora."

I leave the call and stare at my computer screen. 'Now what?' I thought to myself. I get a text notification from Levi and asked him if we could call again. He agreed so we hopped into another voice call.

"Hey, Sora, what's up."

"Hey Levi, can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah sure. What's up."

"So you know that I don't like you and that I only see you as a friend, right?"

"Oh yes, of course."

"Well, so when I called Jaxx again, I told him about us changing the dinner to tomorrow, and Jaxx just started questioning me about why I should just date you instead of him because our parents already want us to date and all."

"Do you think he's jealous?"

"Jealous? Why would he be jealous?"

"Well, what else did you tell him?"

"Well I told him that we only see each other as just friends and that you're not my type, and he asked me if I was his type because I asked him to do the whole fake dating thing with me."

"Well, I could definitely see why he would be jealous."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, he obviously got mad at you when I was brought up in the conversation. Especially about the dinner. He got all mad and jealous so he started talking about how you and I should have done this fake relationship instead of you and him."

"Do you really think he would be jealous of you?"

"High possibility."

"Oh wow. I mean Jaxx does seem like the type of person to get jealous easily."

"That's probably what's going on."

"Oh, well I guess I got to talk to him later about it."

"Well, I got to go Sora. I'm going to head to bed now."

"Alright, good night Levi."

"Night." Levi leaves the call and I leave shortly after. I put on some music and start to get ready for bed. I tried to text Jaxx again and he didn't respond. Probably went to sleep. I turn of my LED lights and lay down in bed, getting ready for the dinner tomorrow.

hey, do you have any song recomondations that matches with the storyline? i'm running out of ideas

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