chapter three - gaming nights

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Jaxx's POV

I leave the discord call and fall face-first into my bed.

'Dating Sora? This is going to be terrible!' I thought to myself. It's not that I don't want to do this whole fake relationship with him. It's just that I like him! Well, sort of. I mean, the feelings are there, but I don't want to acknowledge it yet. I am not ruining our friendship because of these silly feelings.

"Jaxx, come down here," I hear my mom yelling from downstairs. 

"Coming, mom!" I yell back. I head downstairs and grabbed my phone on my way down. I see my mom sitting on the couch in the living room, and my dad reading the newspaper.

"Are you still talking to that Alex girl? Is she still taken by that pink hair boy?"

"Yes mom, plus, I'm not interested in her."

"What about that squirrel girl?"

"Oh I only see her as a friend, and plus she already obsessing over this one other dude."

"Don't you have any other friends you could date?"

"No," I rest my hands on the stairwell and look down onto the floor.

"Well, dinner is in the fridge. Just heat up and it should be good to go." She said without looking away from her phone.

I go to the kitchen and grab my dinner. I open up discord to see a message from Sora.

Sora: Wanna play some games tonight?
Sora: Wear your onesie we're gonna stay up late tonight!

I laugh at the message and reply with a simple yes. I heated up my food and head up to my room. I change into the bear onesie that he got me, and I hop onto discord and call him.

"Hey Sora," I turn on my camera and wave at Sora, leaning back into my chair.

"Hey Jaxx!" Sora turns on his camera and shows him in his polar bear onesie. The one I bought him. He looked so cute. "You're wearing the onesie!"

"Yeah, I mean I wear it all the time."

"Really? I never see you wearing it."

"Well, I only wear it when it's cold. It's been pretty warm these nights. But I'll wear it for you."

"Aw, thank Jaxx. So, let's talk about this whole relationship thing."

Thirty Minutes Later

"No, you idiot. Hight doesn't play a role in this relationship."

"It does! If you are shorter than me, which you are by the way."

"Excuse me."

"Then that's like the perfect image of a good couple."

"I'm only three inches shorter than you!"

"Yup. Your 5'10 and 6'0. I can't remember the days when I was so short."

"Oh be quiet." Sora started laughing and joined along with him. 

"Hey, do you want to play something?" I suggested to Sora.

"Yeah sure. I guess we have some time to kill. Wanna play some among us?"

Two Minutes Later

"Oh come on Sora!" I yell at Sora once he killed me and hopped into a vent. "I thought we were doing tasks together!"

"You gotta do what you gotta do Jaxx." I followed Sora around as a ghost and saw him two more people until someone found my body. 

"Wow, the other imposter killed one other person. They kinda suck."

"Jaxx! What if they're new."

"Not my problem." 

"Ugh, fine. I'm just voting for pink. Everyone is saying that they're sus."

The round goes on and on until the imposters win when the new kid gets the final kill. 

"Ha! We win. And it was the new kid who got the last kill." Sora was jumping up and down and point at the camera in excitement. 

"Okay, ha, ha. Very funny."

"You realize that I'm beating you in imposter wins." He says when putting on his headphones back on. "You gotta step up your game."

"Oh, I'm sorry, buts still the first round. I will beat you in the next game."

We join another random game and the game starts again. I go straight to electrical and try to do my tasks. I see Sora coming into the room while I was doing a task, and when trying to run away Sora kills me again. 

"Sora!" I joking yell at Sora while the both of us start laughing hysterically. Sora goes in and tried to vent, but black walks in and sees the body.

"Sora you suck!" We're still both laughing hysterically as black says it Sora. Sora later gets ejected off and we both continue to laugh for another minute. 

"Wow Jaxx didn't know you were so bad at this game."

"Oh, I'm bad at the game. You got caught killing me and venting. And you say I'm bad at the game."

"You keep dying first!"

"Well because you keep targeting me!"

We both laugh it off and play a few more games until Sora got bored. We later switched to Roblox to play a few games, until Sora got bored again. 

"Ugh, I'm so bored of this." Sora puts his hands over his head in disappointment. "Let's do something else."

"Well, what do you want to do? There's not much to do on a vc."

"Um actually, let's play Uno."

"Oh great, you're going to lose so bad." We hop into Uno and the first round was absolutely chaotic. We both kept using +2 and +4 on each other, and at some points it made it seem like the game would never end. The game finally ends with me, Jaxx winning.

"Ha, take that loser." I said as the 'winner' words pop up on my screen. 

"That's not fair. I got +24! How am I supposed to win after that!" Sora has a salty look on his face and I continue to laugh at him. 

"I call a re-"


"Ugh, Levi is ringing me. I'll be right back."

"Why is he calling you so randomly?"

"Oh, we were texting and he asked if we could call."

"Oh, okay. Will you come back later?"

"Yeah after when I'm done. He said the call wouldn't belong."

"Okay, see you Sora."

"Bye Jaxx!" We leave the call and lean back into my chair. I get my phone out and wait for Sora to call back. 

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