chapter fifteen - just date already

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Jaxx POV

We returned the bow and the arrows and made our way to the car. After that conversation, I had with Levi earlier, made me rethink a lot of things about Sora. I mean, why did Sora even ask me to be in a fake relationship with him? I mean, there are so many people who he could have asked. He even could have stayed with Levi. So why did he ask me?

We got to the car and now I didn't want to sit in the front with Sora anymore. Not out of hate, but it's because it's going to be awkward between us now. For me, at least. Sora unlocks the car doors and gets in, leaving me and Levi outside. "Levi, do you want to sit in the front this time? Next to Sora?" I ask out of desperation.

"Oh no, I rather sit in the back, you know? You can sit in the front with Sora though," he sends a small smirk and gets in the backseat. I mentally yell at him and get in the front seat with Sora. I tried to not make any eye contact with Sora, and I'm pretty sure he was doing the same.

We finally arrived home from the park and we all plopped down onto the couch. Even though Levi originally planned to go back home, he still came with us home. We were just chilling on our phones, trying to pass the time. Levi was still pestering me about asking Sora to go to the carnival as a date, even though he's going to be there. I keep telling him no, but he doesn't stop. He's trying way too hard. Plus, Sora and I or just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Jaxx, you- you should ask him out. This can be the perfect moment for the two of you to finally start dating." Levi says after Sora got off the sofa. I roll my eyes and look at him dead in the eyes.

"Levi, drop it already. I'm not going to ask him out. Sure, I'll ask him to hang out but not as a date."

"But what's gonna happen after everything happens? You're just gonna pretend to break up with him? What about his mom? How would she think?"

"Well, that's not my problem. That's Sora's problem. Not mines. He's probably going to drag this thing on for a while and he's probably going say that he broke things off between the two of us."

"Have you meet Sora's mom? She's gonna be heartbroken. Just get together with him Jaxx. You two obviously like each other."

"I don't know Levi-"

"Look. I talked to Sora at the archery place too. He says that he likes you too. If you're too scared to ask him out as a date, let's just go with the three of us."

Jaxx takes a deep breath and lets it all out. "Fine, I'll do it. But you owe me," he points at Levi obviously annoyed.

"Great. Do you know how annoying it is when you obviously like each other but you guys don't do anything about it?" Levi gets up and walks away to what looks likes the kitchen. I sigh and relax back into the couch. 


Sora and Levi were in the kitchen talking to each other and I wait for one or the other to leave the room. I hide behind the wall trying to collect my thoughts. 'Is this really a good idea? I mean why am I even freaking out? We are just friends it's not like we are actually dating each other.'

I check behind the wall and saw that Levi left the room, leaving Sora all alone. I went to go join Sora in the kitchen and grabbed an apple. "So, are we doing anything later today?" I ask him, taking a bit from the sweet, right apple.

"I mean not anything that I can think of. If you want to do anything then we can do it." He takes a sip of his drink and goes on his phone. 'Here goes nothing.'

"So Sora, I was wondering, you know. I saw that a carnival was opening up not far from here. Do you want to go there tonight?" I nervously ask him with a blushing face. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it was gonna be. I might have shuddered a little, but I don't think he noticed.

"So are you asking me out on a date?" He asks sarcastically, obviously as a joke. I wasn't expecting that response, and my face got even redder. 

"Oh, well," I put my hand behind my head, scratching it nervously. "Well, I never said that but take it how you like. Levi is gonna be there but considers this as our first date." I smirk and hand my hand out towards him. He has a small tint of blush on his face and grabs my hand. I pull him towards me and I told him in my arms while he holds me in his. We share a small smile and a chuckle together and we both stare into each other's eyes. And the distance between us gets smaller, and smaller, and smaller...


We break apart from each other and look at where the flash came from. "Dang it, my flash was on," Levi curses underneath his breath. "And the photo was blurry!" He annoyingly looks at his phone while Sora and I look at each other, and instantly look away from each other. We are both are redder than a tomato.  "Sorry, just go back to what you were doing, forget I was here." Levi walks behind the wall and was probably still there.

"So," he starts off still obviously red. "The carnival?"

"Oh! Yeah of course. Dress nice okay?"

"Yeah sure. Levi is still coming?"

"Yeah, unless if you don't want him too-"

"Oh, it's okay. So what time would we leave?"

"Um, six-ish?"

"Okay sure, so I'll see you later," he starts walking off towards the side where I came from.

"Oh yeah, I'll see you," I chuckle and walk towards where Levi exits from and started speed-walking when I see him turn the corner. I was planning to walk to the bathroom to hang out there for a little bit but Levi grabs my shoulders and stops me.

"So? What happened just now?" Levi grabs both my shoulders and shakes me. "Tell me everything that just happened."

"Nothing. Nothing happened. You saw nothing," I brush him off my shoulders and walk away towards the bathroom.

"Jaxx, you two almost kissed. That wasn't "nothing.'" I push by him and walk into the guest room I was in. I slammed the door and locked the door. I fell face-first into my bed that I was supposed to sleep in last night and screamed into the pillow. I turned around and my face was still obviously bright red. So red that I could feel the heat on my face. I roll over to face the glowing red clock and saw that it was already 4:56. I got out of bed and decided to go through my closet to find something reasonable to wear for tonight.

fake love // soraxxWhere stories live. Discover now