chapter thirteen - meeting him

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No one's POV

The two arrived home and opened the door to find an empty house. Just what Jaxx was used to.

"There's a movie theater nearby if you wanna go?" Sora asked Jaxx, trying to think of some more places to go to.

"I'm not really in the mood to watch a movie, though. I wanna do something fun.

"Hm." They were both trying to scroll on their phones to find some place to hang out, but nothing really interested the two. "Actually! I have an idea. I'll be right back." He knocks himself off the couch and runs to the other room.

'Weirdo,' I thought to myself as I continued to scroll through the many places we could go to.


Sora POV

I run around the corner to make a quick phone call to my dear friend. "Hey, Levi? I have a question."

"Yeah? What's up Sora."

"So you know Jaxx right?"

"That redhead who you are fake dating?"

"Yes. Him. So I was wondering if you wanted to come to hang out with us today. Jaxx and I don't know what to do so we were just wondering to see if you were free."

"Yeah, I'm down. I don't have anything on my schedule anyways."

"Great, now let me ask Jaxx how he thinks of it all."


Jaxx POV 

"Hey Jaxx?" Sora said as he poked his head from around the corner. "Would you mind if we were to hang out with Levi today?"

'Ugh, Levi?' I thought to myself. 'Is he really our last resort? Fine, whatever. It's not like there's anything else better to do.'

"Yeah, sure whatever." Annoyed at the fact that we are going to be hanging out with him, I text Alex just to complain to her.



Huh?! What's up?

So you know Levi right? The guy who I told you about who went to that dinner with Sora

Yeah? What about him?

So apparently Sora wants to invite him to hang out with us

I don't get what you're going on about

I don't want him to hang out with us.

Oh? Is that jealously I see?

I would never be jealous of him.

I don't know Jaxx
You don't seem too fond of the idea of Levi hanging out with the two of you

Well that's because I don't know Levi 

Or is it that you don't want Levi hanging out with the two of you?

You're no help

You didn't say you needed it, jealous boy


Calm down, calm down
I'm pretty sure Levi doesn't even like Sora
If he did, I'm pretty sure he would have been dating Sora at this point

Yeah yeah whatever
Sora wants to go meet up with Levi now so I got to
see yeah

Bye Bye!

I turn off my phone and gather my stuff. Sora was on his phone, probably texting Levi. We leave the house and get into the car. Apparently, we had to pick up Levi before we got to the park, so I had to spend even more time with him. Great. 

The ride was quiet for the most part, so when Sora didn't look like he was paying attention, I started playing Driver's Licenses. And this time, Sora didn't actually get mad at me. He just told me that we could play it until we had to pick up Levi. I put down the car windows and started screaming along with the words. 

We played the song on repeat until we got to Levi's house. The house was pretty nice too. It was a two-story house with a walkway and a pond with beautiful flowers accompanying it. I actually haven't met Levi before, besides a few photos and stories that Sora told me about. So this is going to be interesting meeting him.

Sora gets out of the car and tells me to wait inside. He goes up to the front door, knocking on it before he came out. I couldn't see him over Sora though, I guess he really was that short. I go back on my phone and the two got inside the car. 

"So," Sora said getting into the car. "Jaxx this is Levi, Levi this is Jaxx."

"Hey," he said, not having many expressions in his deep voice. He has dark black messy hair with a dark-styled outfit. Seems like the type of person to stay in his room all day and listen to music.

"Uh, hey." 

"So, I heard that there were some activities happening at the park today, do you guys wanna go there?"

"Yeah, sure I guess."

"Hm, whatever you guys want to do."

"So the park it is!"

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