chapter seven - dinner "date"

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Sora POV

"What looks better on me?" I say holding up two suits.

"You'll probably look good in both Sora." Jaxx was kind of bored at this point from trying to help Sora pick out an outfit.

"Yeah but this one is my signature blue color suit, but this one is a light grey and looks more formal. I don't know what to chose," I cried while falling face-first into my bed.

"Just wear your signature color. Maybe Levi would like you even more if you wear it.

"Jaxx, you know I don't like Levi. We've been over this. Many times."

"Yeah just don't look too nice for Levi, would yeah?"

"I promise. I'll tell my mom tonight about the whole dating thing tonight."

"You better. Then there's no point to this whole dating thing."

"Sora!" I hear my mom call from downstairs. "It's time to go!"

"Alright, gotta go Jaxx. I'll call you after."

"Okay, see you Sora."

"Bye!" I hang up the call and finished getting ready. I fix my hair and flex in front of my mirror for a bit.

'Hello there good looking,' I do the finger guns in front of my mirror.


"Sorry sorry, coming mom!"

I get downstairs and get to the car. 'I wonder how dinner's gonna go tonight,' I thought to myself while waiting for my mom to get into the car. 'I mean, I do know a bit about him, but dinner with this guy?'

"Are you ready son?" My mom asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I guess so."

"Come on son. It's just dinner."

"You really had to choose a fancy restaurant?"

"It was a decision we both made. You ask a lot of questions son. Nervous?"

"Pft, of course not." I look out the window and continue to think about the future "date" with this dude. 'What if he's actually taller than me? That would be a tragedy. What if he actually likes me? What would I tell him? I mean I like Jax- Wait. What am I thinking? I don't like Jaxx. I could never.'

"Honey, we're here," my mom said turning off the car. I snap out of my thoughts and get out of the car. "Make sure you look presentable, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah mom. I got it." We walk to the front of the restaurant and we see Levi and his mom waiting inside by the large window.

'Are they arguing?' I thought to myself. I open the door and accept the fact that I'm going to have to have dinner, one on one with this man I barely know.


"Oh, hello there Sora!" Levi's mom and him stands up and welcomes the two of us. "Are you two ready for dinner?"

"Um, yes ma'am."

"You don't have to be so proper with me sweetheart. Just call me Aunty. Levi has been excited to have this dinner with you."

"Mom stop. This is embarrassing." Levi said trying to stop his mom from making a fool of him even more.

"Jackie, table for two?" The waiter said at his little desk."

"Oh, that's us." My mom said pushing me and Levi to the waiter. "Now go you two. Call us once you two finish your dinner."

We both said our goodbyes and we go to the waiter to get seated. He seats us next to the window, with a beautiful view if you look outside of it. We sit down and the waiter leaves us the menu and walks away.

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