chapter six - jealously doesn't look good on you

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Jaxx POV

"Yeah sure. See you tomorrow, Jaxx." Sora said, waving at the camera.

"Bye Sora," I close out of the call and join the call with my friend.

"Oh, hey Jaxx!" she said once I joined the call.

"Hey, Alex," I grab my water and chug it all down.

"You seem stressed. What happened?"

"It's nothing, just that Sora is being an idiot."

"Why, what happened?"

"So I told you that Sora asked me to be in a fake relationship with him, right?"


"Okay, so Sora's mom is making Sora date this one dude, named Levi."

"Levi? Oh, I think I know him." 

"You know him?"

"He has like black hair and dresses up in all black yeah?

"I think?"

"Oh yeah, we're like best friends."

"Of course. Your friends with everyone."

"I'm just more friendly than you Jaxx."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Well to continue on, Sora asked me to be in this whole fake relationship with him, just so his parents would get off his case about him not dating anyone. And he's having dinner with Levi tomorrow night! Why would he want to date me, but then go to a dinner with the boy you don't want to date. Like, come on Sora just tell your parents about the whole fake relationship thing already."

"I see, so you're jealous."

"Jealous! Why would I be jealous of Levi!"

"You're blushing," Alex said in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up no I'm not. I would never be jealous of someone like him."

"You're jealous that he is spending a lot of time with Sora. And the more and more he's spending time with Levi, the more distant he's becoming with you. You just want to date Sora already and fly away to a magical island where you two could be alone."

"Okay, first of all, Miss Alex, I would never be the type of person who doesn't let my date hang out with any of their friends. And to add on, I am not jealous of Levi. They might be spending, quite some time with each other, but I would never be jealous. Never.

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you Jaxx."

"I'm not jealous!" 

"Well, it's getting late now Jaxx. I'm going to head to bed now."

"Alright good night." I log out of the call and immediately shut down my computer.

I look on my phone to see that Sora texted me a good night message. I laugh at his message and send him a message back. But at this point, he's probably asleep by now.

I turn off my LED lights and my lamp light off and get ready to go to sleep.

(sora's contact on jaxx's phone)

Sora <3 

good night Jaxx! sleep well I'll talk to you tomorrow

good night sora see you tomorrow <3

sorry for the short chapters, the next chapter is probably going to be longer

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