chapter ten - before the dinner

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i really dont know what song to use. promise it would get better

Jaxx POV

"So you promise you have everything, right, Jaxx?" Sora asked me from my computer screen. Today was the day I was going to meet Sora's family for dinner. Honestly, I'm pretty terrified. I mean, I have to leave a good impression for his parents to like me. Especially if I want to go farther than just 'fake dating.'

"I have everything I need, Sora. No need to worry. I have my outfit, some money, and three cans of hair spray."

"Three cans!" I heard him scream. "Why do you need three cans of hair spray!"

"Look Sora. I have a very strict hair routine. You don't even have half of the products I use for my daily hair routine. One can for each day."

"Isn't that a little, I don't know, much?"

"I mean I have to look good for your parents. I can't just show up like a slob. Unlike you, I actually try to look presentable."

"Uh- hey! I always look good. I mean, look at me! I'm the hottest person in the world!"

"Okay that is, one hundred percent a false statement. You're like an eight and I'm a ten."

"I am not an eight. I am top-tiered. I'm a 10/10."

"If you're a ten then I'm one million you silly-."

"Okay okay, we get it, you idiot. When are you coming again? I want to hang out before dinner."

"I mean it's going to take me about three hours to get there, so about one o'clock if I were to leave now."

"Well then leave now. We need to spend as much time together as possible."

"Okay, let me finish packing and I'll get out of here." I leave the call to finish packing. I grab some last-minute essentials and get myself ready to leave. I grab my bags and start to head downstairs. "Mom, I'm gonna hang out at my friend's house for the weekend," I yell while walking down the stairs to who knows where.

"Yeah, don't do anything stupid while you're gone." She said looking down on her phone, paying no attention to the redhead.

Jaxx sighed and headed towards the door. It's not like his mom would ever care about him. All she cares about is getting money from his future career. Jaxx puts his bags in his car and puts his key in the ignition. He texts Sora that he's finally leaving his house and starts to leave his parking lot.


Sora POV

"Okay, let me finish packing and I'll get out of here," Jaxx says and he leaves the call. 'He didn't even say bye' I thought to myself. I get off of my chair and finish cleaning the guest room and my room.

I look down at my phone to see a message from Jaxx saying he's finally coming. I text him back, telling him to meet me at the park instead of coming towards my house. I send him the address and start to pack my belongings. Hopefully, he'll see my text and actually meet me there.


I sit down on the first bench I found and just relaxed for a bit. I go through my phone, scrolling on Tiktok and looking on Instagram. I look back at my messages with Jaxx, and he never responded to them. Let's just hope he actually comes here instead of coming to my house.

"This park is pretty, isn't it?" Asked a voice walking towards me. "It would be a real shame if it were to rain tonight." I look up and see the redhead, Jaxx, standing right above me. He was wearing a simple outfit, just a red hoodie with the same jeans he gonna wear with his dinner outfit.

"Whatever happened to "hello," or "hey Sora, how are you doing," because that would have been a little bit more welcoming." I sarcastically say while he rolls his eyes. I get off of my seat and stand next to Jaxx. "Shorter then I imagine."

"Oh haha." Jaxx sarcastically laughed. "Of course, that's the first thing you say to me. I didn't get a warm welcoming either, you know."

"Whatever, let's just go. I want to show you somewhere before dinner starts."


"Sora, I'm tired," Jaxx complained. "When are we getting there."

"Patience Jaxx, we're almost there." We've been climbing up this hill for quite a while now, and it's been a bit tiring. But it will all be worth it in the end.

We walk a little bit more up the hill and finally hit our destination. "Ta-da!" I said while throwing small jazz hands into the air.

"You brought me to the top of the hill? I mean the view is great and all, but really?"

"So ungrateful, are you Jaxx? Has your mom ever told you to respect everything you receive?"

"Sorry, but really what are we doing here?"

"Just look at the view," I said while sitting down on the grass. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It sure is," he says joining me. "You can see the mountains from here. And the sun setting behind it."

"Nice yeah? I just wanted to show you the nice view while we had time."

We just sat there, looking at the sunset for a good twenty minutes. I looked back at my phone and noticed the time. "Jaxx, we have to go," I told him. We got up and headed towards my car. In about fifteen minutes, we will be home, soon to have dinner with my mom.

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