chapter eight - the truth and future plans

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I really don't know what song to use, so here's a classic
(sorry I'm not satisfied with the chapter, the next one will be better hopefully)

"Mom, I have to tell you something."

"Hm? What is it, son?"

"So, there's this boy who I've been talking to lately. And, I'm kinda in a relationship with him."


"Wait, sorry? What did you say?"

"Um, I'm kind of in a relationship with someone..."

"Is it Levi?"

"No mom. I mean, he's a great dude, but like I said. Not my type."

"Okay then, what's his name?"

"Um, his name is Jaxx."

"What does he look like?"

"Well, he's short. Like a few inches shorter than me. He has red hair that's actually spiked up. He grows potatoes. I found that interesting."

"He grows potatoes?"

"Yeah, crazy right? Anyways, he plays a few games like me too. Like Roblox, Among Us, a little bit Gang Beasts."

"So he plays games with you. Hopefully, he's not too attached to video games like you," she says the second part in a whisper.

"What was that mom? I couldn't quite hear you."

"Oh, it's nothing sweetheart. Don't worry about it."

"He's also obsessed with his hair too. Like its all red and spikey. Like that Kirishima dude from My Hero Academia."

"You and your anime, Sora."

"But he actually looks like him. Much ruder than the actual thing though."

"You guys have quite the relationship, don't you too."

"I mean, I guess you can say that. I mean we only started dating..."

"Can I met him one day?"

"Excuse me?" I ask not thinking this far into the plan.

"Like have dinner with him. I need to meet your boyfriend one day you know."

"Oh. Um, well, I can talk to him and ask him when he's free..."

"Wonderful. I can't wait to meet him, sweetheart."

"Yup, I can't wait to."


I get out of the car and immediately rush to my computer. I turn it on and call Jaxx. 'It isn't that late. He should still be up.' Discord finally opens up and I call Jaxx back.

"Well, look who finally decided to call me back." I look up at the screen and see an annoyed Jaxx staring straight into my soul.

"You called me during my dinner. And plus I didn't feel like talking. But Jaxx, I have to tell you-"

"Oh, how was dinner by the way?"

"It was good. But Jaxx-"

"What'd you eat?"

"Oh, I had a pizza. Levi had some, pasta thing. But wait, Jaxx-"

"What's pizza?"

"Some classic, cheese pizza."

"I have such a basic friend," I heard Jaxx whisper quietly.

"Cheese pizza is actually good I'll have you know but-"

"So. What was Levi like? I bet he was-"

"Jaxx! I have something important to say!"

"Huh, what is it?"

"I told my mom about our relationship."

"What! Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Jaxx stands up from his seat and slams his hands on his table.

"I was trying too! But you and your loud mouth kept talking!"

"Excuse me I do not."

"Yes, you do. Out of everyone I know, you have the loudest mouth."

"Well, whatever. What did she say?"

"She wants you to come over to our place and have dinner..."

"What! I can't do that!"

"But you agreed to do this with me."

"But meeting your parents and having dinner with them? Isn't that a little rushed even for a real relationship?"

"You will be fine Jaxx."

"Sora, I live like three hours away from you. Gas is becoming expensive you know."

"Stop making excuses you'll be fine. And you can stay the night if you want. I have a guest room and everything."

"I don't know Sora..."

"Please, I'll do anything. I'll even pay for your expensive gas bills."

"What are we going to do after? It's going to be awkward afterward."

"We'll find something to do. Please Jaxx."

"Okay, fine. Only because I have something planned that we could do afterward. And I don't want you to get in trouble with your mom for lying."

"Yes, thank you, Jaxx!" I say jumping out of my seat.

"But, we need to have a deal." I heard him say with zero emotion. "I can do the whole, dinner, staying at your house, thing with your family if we still follow our rules, and if you do something for me."

"Okay, we can follow the rules. That would be easy, and what is that something Jaxx?"

"I don't know. I'll tell you when I think about it. In the meantime, just wait till I tell you."

"Okay, fine by me. But why did you call me earlier? You know, during dinner."

"Oh, well, um, actually I called you to ask you something, but that's not important anymore."

"Jaxx. You called me thirty-six times. You sure it's not important?"

"Yeah, no need to worry about it. I mean, it's nothing to even worry about. Don't worry about it."

"Okay, okay jeez. I won't worry about it."

"Okay, so about the dinner," Jaxx started and we continued to talk about the dinner. The dinner my mom wants to have with Jaxx. My "boyfriend." The boy who I'm going to have to fake a relationship with, just to make my mom happy. 

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