chapter twelve - breakfast

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Jaxx POV

I wake up to the morning sun hitting me in my face. I tried to continue to sleep for longer, but the morning birds and someone laughing beside me didn't help much. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that I wasn't facing the wall like how I was last night. I rarely move around when I'm sleeping so this felt different. I was facing the person laughing beside me. Sora.


Sora looks down at me and smiles. "Oh, hey Jaxx." He says while going back to his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. Just texting Levi."

'Levi?' I thought to myself. "Wait, you're talking to Levi?"

"Yeah? Is there a problem with that?"

"Oh no. Of course not." I roll my eyes and try to face the wall.

I was trying to sleep and of course, Sora started talking again. "So Jaxx, were you comfortable last night?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You were very cuddly, last night."


"Here I'll show you a photo." Sora scrolls through his phone and pulls up a photo.

(jaxx is the male in the photo, and sora is the female

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(jaxx is the male in the photo, and sora is the female.)

I look at the photo and I immediately start to blush. "What! Where did you get that photo!" I hide my face behind my hands.

"Ha, my mom sent it to me this morning. I find it pretty cute."

"That's, I didn't need to see that, you know."

"I know, it's cute to see you so embarrassed." He shuts his phone off and puts it on his nightstand. "Wanna go get some breakfast? We can drive somewhere since my mom isn't home."

"Yeah, I guess. Just let me get ready."

"Okay," Sora leaves the room to go get ready. I look down at Sora's phone and grab it. Thankfully he told me his password the other day and I was able to unlock his phone. I go to the Photos app and find that photo. Took me a bit but I finally found the photo and I sent it to my phone. I start to get ready and head downstairs with his phone.

"You left your phone upstairs," I said and I toss him his phone.

"Oh, thanks." He catches his phone and starts to get off the couch he was sitting on. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."


We're in the car and I start to play my favorite song, 'drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo.' Of course, Sora didn't like my song choice and immediately changed the song. So rude.

"Stop changing the song."

"No, this is not the time to be playing Olivia Rodrigo. We can play that another time. Chose another song."

"Fine, fine whatever." I rolled my eyes and looked through the different song choices. Took me a bit but I actually found another good song.

"Oh! I actually like this song!" He says while Riptide by Vance Joy starts to play. "Good job Jaxx. I thought your music taste was really basic."

"Excuse me but I don't see you choosing songs. You leave it all to me and make fun of me for it."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." We start to sing along with the song, and before we knew it Sora drives up to some restaurant and parks in the parking lot. "We're here!"

"Where are we?"

"I don't really know. I mean the place has good reviews so apparently, this place is good." We get out of the car and we entered the building. Thankfully, the restaurant wasn't full, despite the time of day and the good reviews this place has.

We talk to the waiter and she sits us down at a window booth. She sits us down and hands us our menus. She asks us for our drink and we both just had simple water.

"What are planning on getting?" I ask Sora while still looking at the menu.

"I don't know yet, maybe some pancakes and fruit. What about you?"

"I might just get some, eggs, bacon, and rice. Sounds good enough."

The waiter comes over again and takes our order. We ordered our breakfast and she left us alone. Sora and I just had some small talk, talking about what we would be doing after breakfast. I had an idea in mind, but I'm going to tell Sora later.

"Here's your food." She comes and drops off our pancakes and eggs, bacon, and rice. We thank her for our food and start to dig in.

I was eating my breakfast while also looking down at my phone. Wasn't paying my full attention to Sora. He probably got all fed up with me and decided to take one of my bacon strips.

"Hey!" I yelled and tried to reach across the table to grab my bacon back before he put it in his mouth and started laughing at me. I wanted to get him back for that, so I took one of his pancakes and took a huge bite out of it.

"Jaxx!" He tried to get his pancake back and obviously missed. We both started laughing and thank god that there weren't many people here at the restaurant or we would have been kicked out from being too loud.


We finish eating and we waited for our bill. I could tell that Sora obviously wanted to pay for the bill, so I was anxiously waiting for it to show up. The waiter came and thankfully I took the bill out of his hands first.

"Jaxx, let me pay for breakfast. I was the one who wanted to go out and eat."

"No no, it's my treat. You've done so much for me it's my treat."

"Fine fine, but the next time we're eating out I'm paying."

"Okay deal," I take out my card and put it in the bill. The lady takes the bill and we go up to the front to finish paying. We finally leave the restaurant and we get in the car.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" Sora asks while buckling himself in.

"I don't know. What's around here?"

"Actually, do you want to go home first? Just so we can think of something to do there?"

"Yeah, let's go." He turns on the car and I plug my phone in to play Driver's License, but Sora took the phone away from me before I could do that and plays Riptides.

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