chapter nine - plannings and outfits

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i'm sorry i'm running out of songs so take some taunt by lovejoy
(can you please leave some song recommendations for me to put in the story please i'm running out of ideas)

Jaxx POV

"Okay Jaxx," Sora started. "We can have some steak for dinner if you like. And we can my mom's peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!"

"Sora. I'm allergic to peanut butter."

"Well, how was I supposed to know?"

"You've known me for how many years? You know at this point I thought you would have known."

"Okay, and?"

"I hate you so much," I whispered under my breath. "Whatever, let's go over the plan again."

"Alright, so. So the night or the night before the dinner you'll drive over to my place so you can eat dinner with my mom. I have a guest room you can stay in for the day we have dinner if you do stay the night."

"I mean I might as well stay the night. We can hang out before the dinner anyways."

"Yeah, I guess we could do that," Sora writes in a little notebook he made for this 'plan' we're coming up with. It has the general stuff in it, like our rules and what we can and can't do.

"When is the night of the dinner again?"

"This Friday, so in two days."

"Wow, these days have been going by really fast hasn't it."

"Yeah, it is," Sora said, not really focusing on the topic at hand. Do you actually want steak for dinner? I mean we can always have other foods like some pasta type foods. I know you like those."

"Steak is good with me. And plus, this dinner doesn't have to be perfect, you know."

"How are you so relaxed about all of this?"

"Hm?" I questioned what he had just said. "What do you mean? You just got to go with the flow, see how the night goes from there."

"But what if something happens? Like what if you don't like the food, or what if the night over is terrible, and you don't want to stay the night ever again, or what if you don't want to be friends with me anymore?"

"Calm down Sora your spiraling buddy."

"Oh, yes of course."

"You don't have to worry Sora. I promise you everything will be fine. Just be your calm, collective self and we will be good."

"Calm and collective!" Sora starts to yell into his monitor. "When was I ever calm or collective? Because I don't remember!"

"Sora! It's alright, okay. Not everything has to be perfect. As long as we focus on our main goal, we're perfectly fine."

"Yeah, I hope it goes well. I really want my mom to like you though."

"Why do you make it sound like we're dating? This whole thing is fake, you know?"

"Oh!" Sora said as he started to blush. "I didn't mean it like that, Jaxx. I meant it as like, uh, away to make it even more convincing. Yeah, it's not like I would actually date you.

"Yeah, of course... But Sora, if you really want to make it convincing then I'll do whatever you say."

"Whatever I say?"

"Whatever you want."


"Okay, Sora. When I said "whatever you want," I didn't think this."

"Come on Jaxx you look great."

"Yeah but I really think the shirt makes the outfit look, offputting? And when I said anything I didn't mean chose my outfit."

"You didn't specify anything Jaxx. But do you have any other outfits you could wear?"

"I can check my closest if I have anything else."

"Okay come back out and show me once you're done changing."


"Okay, okay. I see you Jaxx," Sora said as I turned on my camera and came into frame. "Looking pretty nice in the outfit there."

I look into my mirror and look at my outfit more close up. I was wearing some jeans, with a black hoodie on top. I also had my red, signature-colored, shirt that I put on top of my hoodie. "Are you sure your parents would be fine with my outfit?"

"You'll be fine! My mom will love your outfit."

"But, what about you? What will you be wearing?"

"Hmm, let's keep this outfit a surprise, shall we?"

"Oh come on now. Show me, please Sora."

"Patience Jaxx. You'll see it on the day of the dinner."

"Okay fine. You're still paying for my gas bill, right?"

"Yes Jaxx," Sora said sighing. "Of course I will. I promised, didn't I?" 

Jaxx's outfit

okay, so this is jaxx's outfit

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okay, so this is jaxx's outfit. he's basically gonna wear the same thing, but just the red shirt is plain without a design in the front. sorry the photo isn't the best quality 

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