chapter fourteen - the park

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Levi POV

We made it to the park after a ten-minute ride. The car ride was definitely interesting. Sora and Jaxx were in the front seat. Sora was driving, listening to music while Jaxx was just on his phone, not having a care in the world about anything going on around him. I kinda just sat in the backseat. Sora told stories about Jaxx to me and he seems more of the lively type. I mean, he was barely talking at all.

Once we got to the park, there were many people there. Jaxx seemed really out of it but Sora looked ecstatic. The only reason I came along was for two reasons. One was because Sora invited me and I didn't want to say no, and I'm mainly using this meet up to make Jaxx and Sora finally open their eyes and to actually start dating. I mean, Sora literally asked Jaxx to be in a fake relationship with them. I'm no love expert, but don't people usually ask their crush to fake date them? Plus, have you seen the way they look at each other? They are so hopeless, it's embarrassing.

"Oh, can we go to the food booths!?" Sora latched onto Jaxx's arm and Jaxx was obviously blushing at the touch. "I want to get myself some pie."

"How about, you and Jaxx go, and I'll look around for some fun activities for us to do?" I try suggesting.

"Great idea-"

"Come on Levi, come with us. We'll find something to do later." Sora interrupted Jaxx. I tag behind them while the two of them talk. I didn't really care that I wasn't a part of their conversation, anyway. Just need the two of them to date already so I don't have to be a third wheel.

"Oh, is that a Harry Potter booth?" Sora asked, walking towards the booth next to us. Jaxx and I kinda just gave each other a look and followed him. There were all kinds of stuff. Wands, necklaces, clothes, and books. 

"What's your guy's house?" I questioned them.

"I'm a Ravenclaw," Sora replied.

"I'm a Hufflepuff," Jaxx said looking at the Hufflepuff robes.

"Of course you're a Hufflepuff," I scoffed at him.

"Hey, Hufflepuffs don't deserve the hate they get."

"What's your house?" Sora askes.

"I'm a Gryffindor." I proudly say.

"Of course, poser," he says while coughing so nobody would know what he said.

"I knew you were gonna say that. It's true though."

"You remind me more of a Slytherin." He continues to look through the merchandise.

We stay there for a bit and we all decide to get matching wands. Of course, Sora wanted us to take a few pictures for "memories." We continue to walk around a while longer until we found this small archery area. Jaxx was just ecstatic about this place. Claiming that, "this is so cool," and that "I used to do archery as a kid. Can we please do this?" We all agreed to do it and we went to the booth to set everything up. We put on our gloves and walk to the very last row. There were tapes marking off the different distances you could stand from. Marking about a ten, twenty, and thirty feet distance.

"Do you boys know what to do?" The worker asked.

"Yes, thank you," Jaxx answered for the three of us. He grabbed an arrow and put it in the bow. "Watch how a professional does it." He steps back towards the thirty-foot mark and pulls back and lands it on the target. Not on the bullseye but close enough for it to be impressive.

"Woah! That was so cool!" Sora cheered while standing up.

"Impressive for a rusty player," I commented obviously as a joke.

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