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Momo and Sana are now currently waiting for Tzuyu to arrive at the airport.

It didn't end long and Momo finally saw Tzuyu who was roaming her eyes around the place. She assumed she's finding her.

"Oh my gosh Tzuyu!!"Momo exclaimed out of excitement as Sana look at the direction where the latter is looking for

"Momo unnie!!"Tzuyu exclaimed as she run towards their way

"You look so gorgeous couz!"Momo said giving her cousin a warm embrace. She missed her cousin so much.

"You too unnie"Tzuyu then glance at Sana's direction
"You're with your friend?"she asked,
now staring at Sana who is now froze to her place. She's just staring at Momo's cousin, which is Tzuyu.

On the other hand Sana is now daydreaming about Tzuyu, she find the latter attractive with that white polo and blue pants she's wearing.

She didn't even notice that her friend, Momo is already calling her.

"Hey Sana? Hello earth to Sana?"Momo waved her hands infront of her the latter's face. It made Sana flinch and came back to her own senses.
"By the way this is Sana my ga-"she was about to said that, but luckily Sana covered her mouth before she say something bad

"I'm Minatozaki Sana it was nice to meet you!!"Sana said with her smile on her face

"Hi! I'm Chou Tzuyu, nice to meet you too"Tzuyu said and reaching out her hands for her that Sana gladly accept it

"Oh god! her hands is so soft, I don't want to let go of this!"

"H-hey can I get my hands back now, can I?"Tzuyu said and Sana let go of her hands while scratching her nape

"Sorry hehe"Sana said and smiled once again

"Okay let's go guys"Momo said as she link her arms around Tzuyu

"What the hell unnie? My luggage is so heavy so stop linking your arms on mine"Tzuyu said, that made her cousin glared at her

"Let me help you in your luggage then"Sana said, but Tzuyu didn't let that happen and shook her head

"No thank you, I can handle this. I don't want someone to get tired because of me"Tzuyu said, which made Sana smile endlessly. Momo on the other hand, went besides her and whispered something on her ears.

"Hey you! stop flirting with my cousin. She already have a boyfriend, okay? I don't want you to get hurt because she's straight and you have no hope for her okay?"Momo whispered and went back to Tzuyu's side

"Whatever she is, I will definitely get her" Sana mumbled with that grin on her face

Momo look at her while raising her brows. Sana just gave her an annoying smile, that made the latter look away.

The three girls have already arrived at Momo's Condo.

"Your Condo is good unnie"Tzuyu said while roaming her eyes around Momo's place

"A little, Hey Sana! Could you please guide her to my next room. I'll just cook a food here"Momo said and her friend just obeyed her

"Let's go, Tzuyu"Sana then walk to Momo's empty bedroom followed by Tzuyu

"You live here too?"Tzuyu asked the older girl

"Nope I'm just here to visit her, actually This house is also my second home"Sana said as she sat on the bed

"You two are so close to each other, aren't you?"Tzuyu asked, which Sana nodded her head
"Your parents are fine with you being here?"she asked

"Nope, they don't bother me with what I'm going to do because I already have my own mind."Sana said

"Good for you."

"By the way can we be friends?"Sana ask as she reach her hands out to the latter that Tzuyu gladly took it

"Sure, why not? you seems like a good friend"Tzuyu said and smiled, showing her cute dimples across her cheek

"Sana, Tzuyu! the food is ready, let's eat!"Momo suddenly came

"Coming, unnie"Tzuyu said then leave her luggage

The three then go downstairs and sit on the chair.

"Unnie I didn't know that you can cook"Tzuyu teased

"Because of boredom she learned how to cook"Sana chuckled

"Seems like you two are already close?"Momo said and look at the two who is now busy laughing

"Yeah your friend seems kind, unnie"Tzuyu said then look at Sana

"You didn't know Tzuyu, you didn't know."Momo teased her friend

"Ya! You're such a tease"Sana said while folding her arms over her chest

"Just kidding you know, she's kind- hmmm a little"Momo said giving her an annoying smile

"I wonder what your life here, when the two of you have nothing to do but to tease each other"Tzuyu said then chuckled

"You look cute when you're laughing"Sana suddenly said, which made her friend Momo widened her eyes but Tzuyu just laughed at it

"You're way cuter than me"Tzuyu said when she stops from laughing. And that made Sana blushed in an instant.

Momo then went closer to her friend's ears and whispered something.

"You're blushing"Momo whispered with a teasing smirk on her face. Sana just look away for Tzuyu to not notice that she's blushing.
"Let's eat bitches!"she shouted as she started to eat

"Unnie your still a food monster? You still didn't change."Tzuyu chuckled while watching her
"I can't stop from laughing"she said, still laughing and Sana just followed her

"You better eat now!"Momo shouted and glared to the taller

"Okay okay I'm sorry"

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