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It's been a few days but Sana is still doesn't go to Momo's condo. Tzuyu doesn't go out and goes to Mingyu because she wants she and her cousin to get along first. Tzuyu wonders why Sana isn't coming, she wants to ask Momo but she can't.

The day came when she became more courageous and asked Momo but Momo didn't tell her. She wonders why Momo didn't told her.

"Momo unnie!."Tzuyu shouted when she saw her cousin heading upstairs

"Yes?."Momo ask and stops walking

"It's been a while since I ask you.... please Momo unnie tell me where is she."Tzuyu begged as Momo looking away from her

"Tzuyu..."Momo paused

"Tell it to me Momo unnie, please."Tzuyu said as she held Momo's hand


Sana is now on her parents house at those times she only think about Tzuyu. She didn't know but Tzuyu didn't disappear from her mind.

Is it really like this when you love too much? Is it really hard to move on?

She is always in her room crying, she only comes out when she eats or needs to take a bath.

The difficulty of this is in the first place, you are the only one who is hurt while the one you love is happy in the arms of the one she loves.

"Uhh why can't you get out of my mind."Sana mumbles wiping her tears through her face

A moment later Sana heard a knock on her door. She stood up and open it revealing her worried Mom.

"Honey, I think you should go out here. You know you've been just there this past few days. I think that would help you."her mom said as she patted her daughter's head

"Thanks mom but I don't want to."Sana said in a low tone

"Momo is waiting for you outside."her mom said as Sana widen her eyes in shock

"She's here? With Tzuyu?."Sana ask nervously. She wasn't ready to face Tzuyu for now

"Nope she's alone."her mom said, making Sana sighed in relief
"Go now she's waiting for you."her mom said as she gestured Sana to went out of her room

"Good bye mom I love you."Sana said and gave her mother a peck on her cheeks as she made her way outside

"Take care Sana!."her mom shouted as Sana take a look at her back and smiled to her mom

Sana then went outside to saw Momo. Momo is on her casual clothes and wearing her smile on her face.

"Hey Momo ya!."Sana greeted

"I miss you Satang."Momo said welcoming her into a tight hug

"Me too."Sana said while patting the other one's back

"Because you didn't visit my place, I will visit you instead."Momo said as she broke the hug

"Well you're impatient, I told you I will visit you soon."Sana said

"You can't blame me, I miss you though."Momo said with a pout on her face

"So? Shall we just stand here?."Sana ask raising an eyebrow

"Oh I totally forgot."Momo said then chuckles

"Where are we going by the way?."Sana ask as they kept on walking

"Time square, we'll just roam around there. We won't buy things."Momo said as she look at Sana who is now laughing

"Like we always did."Sana said still laughing

As the two keep on walking around  the mall without buying anything it's there usual things. They are with their smile on their faces. After a long time they do this again. They miss roaming around the time square just walking around and keep joking and laughing.

A moment later they stop on the shop as they saw a familiar tall girl. At first they think it was not her but after she made her view on her side they knows its...


Sana was about to turn her way around but they heard a sudden call.

"Momo unnie! Sana?."Tzuyu shouted as she made her way towards the two

Sana was froze on her position she don't know if she will face the taller or not. She's not ready at all.

"Tz.. Tzuyu?."Momo said as she turn from her back. She look at Sana and to Tzuyu

"Sana? Are you ignoring me?."Tzuyu said in a soft voice

"N..no Tzuyu, I'm not."Sana said and face the taller but not looking into her eyes

"Can we talk?."Tzuyu ask as she rubs the back of her neck

"I think it's better for the two of you if you talk in a private place."Momo suggested and pulled Tzuyu and Sana away from the mall

They take a cab. The car is full of silence no one dare to talk until they finally arrive on their destination. The three girls went inside Momo's Condo with a expressionless look on their faces. They went through the living room. The room filled with silence until Momo spoken up.

"Umm I.. I'm going to make a coffee."Momo said as she made her way upstairs

"S..Sana."Tzuyu said as she bit her inner cheek

"I don't know why we became like this. When we last met, we were okay. What happened Sana? Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something you didn't like?."Tzuyu ask as Sana stay in silence deeply thinking about Tzuyu's questions

"Sana please tell it to me... I don't want this, I don't like this. I want our friendship back again"Tzuyu said with a sad look on her eyes

"Tz.. Tzuyu, I'm sorry..."Sana said as she stood up and about to run but Tzuyu held her wrist

"Why are you like this Sana?."Tzuyu ask in a low tone. She look into Sana's eyes. She knows the older girl is hiding something to her. She knows she want something to tell her

"I know you're hiding something on me."Tzuyu said, Sana shook her head trying herself not to cry infront of Tzuyu

"I have to go Tzuyu."Sana said not making any eye contact to Tzuyu, she tried to escape Tzuyu's grip then she immediately get out and run away. Tzuyu was about to chase her but Momo called her name

"Let her be..."Momo said as she make her way to Tzuyu

"Did you know what's the reason why is she like that?."Tzuyu ask, hoping her cousin will answer her question

"Tzuyu it's better if she herself will tell it to you."Momo said while patting her cousin's shoulder

"Tzuyu be honest with me... Who do you really love? Is it Sana or Mingyu?."Momo ask which made Tzuyu think twice


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