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"Mingyu?."Tzuyu said with a surprise look as her voice started to tremble

"Long time no see Tzuyu, I missed you."Mingyu said as she hugs the Taiwanese girl

The two did not let go of each others embrace. They missed it, but Tzuyu shook her head and parted themselves.

On the other hands Sana saw them hugging each other, tears started to fall down but she just quickly wipe it.

She shouldn't feel this because what is she? what is she in Tzuyu's life, there is no "them". She sighed as she took courage and called the two.

"They are waiting inside."Sana said trying to act normal. Tzuyu went first followed by the tall guy

Dahyun and Momo stood up to saw the two. Momo looks so shock when she saw the guy.

"Mingyu? What a coincidence."Momo said trying to act nice. She knows that that guy cheated on her cousin. He's her first love but then her cousin saw him with another woman, they are kissing each other and that time they broke up. They don't even last for months.

Her cousin went through a lot with that man so she used to be angry with Mingyu. Thanks to Dahyun and they met and she found out that she was her girlfriend's sister, otherwise she might have punch that man's face.

Momo smiled fakely and greeted the guy.

"I thought we will never see each other again."Momo said as she held her cousin's hand to comfort her

"Oh it's great that you two already know each other."Dahyun said with a smile on her face. She doesn't know that his brother cheated on Tzuyu

"Oh sis If you didn't know we're friends, right?."Mingyu said as she look at Momo

"Yeah."Momo said and slyly rolled her eyes. Sana saw it and look at them giving her a confused look on her face

"I'll be going upstairs for a minute."Tzuyu excuses herself as she made her way upstairs

"So this is Mingyu oppa, and this is Sana unnie."Dahyun introduce the two

"Nice too meet you Sana."Mingyu said as he reach his hand to Sana

"Nice to meet you too."Sana said shyly and shook their hands

"Gotta excuse myself too."Momo said as she stood up

"Where are you going babe?."Dahyun ask

"I'm gonna check something upstairs, just a minute."Momo said and made her way upstairs

As Momo went upstairs she immediately went to her cousin's room to check is she was okay. When she finally let herself in, she heard a small sobs coming through the bathroom. She peek her head in and saw her cousin crying while hugging her knees. Momo went in and hug her cousin from behind to comfort her.

"Shhh Tzuyu stop crying now, you told me right? You told me that you already move on with him then why are you crying?."Momo said while patting the younger one's back

"I was okay but then he came back."Tzuyu said still sobbing

"Do you still love him?."Momo suddenly ask as Tzuyu turn around to face her cousin

"I don't know unnie, I don't know."Tzuyu answers as she lowered down her head. Momo just nodded her head and grab her wrist

"Fix your self and let's go downstairs, They might wonder why we stay here longer."Momo said as Tzuyu wash her face with water

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs, be strong Tzuyu, don't let your emotions control you."Momo said and immediately disappear

"Come on Tzuyu.. Don't let that cheater see your weak."she sighed
"I can do this."Tzuyu said as she wipe her face with a towel

Momo went downstairs and found the three looking at her.

"Hey babe oppa said that if we could hang out together, he wanna know more about Tzuyu."Dahyun said which made Momo's blood boil. She just pretend to smile

"As long as I'm there I don't mind."Momo said as she acts like everything is alright

"Great, thanks Momo."Mingyu said excitedly making Momo rolled her eyes. Gladly Dahyun is not looking at her but Mingyu and Sana saw it. The Japanese squirrel girl is now confused so she grabbed Momo's hand

"I have something to show you at the kitchen."Sana made an excuse and pulled Momo to the kitchen

"I know your confused of my previous behavior there."Momo said as she crossed her arms

"Oh come on spill the tea."Sana said waiting for her to answer

"Ok I will just make this quick, Mingyu is Tzuyu's ex that guy cheated on her that's why I act to him like that. I hate him but I have to behave because she's my girlfriend's brother."Momo explains
"And oh so you already know, let's go before Tzuyu might went there and find that freaking guy."Momo added and about to walk but Sana grabbed her hand again

"What happen to Tzuyu? Did she cried?."Sana ask worriedly

"Yes and don't worry I know she's strong."Momo said and walk away followed by Sana

"Hey babe where's Tzuyu?."Dahyun ask

"I'm here why?."Tzuyu said cheerfully as if she didn't cry in the bathroom. Momo looks at her with a wide smile. She's proud that her cousin is not weak.

"Great pretenders."Sana mumbles behind Momo. Her friend look at her and gave her a death glare. Sana just stayed quiet and mouth a "sorry"

"Let's hang out somewhere, you know this men wants to know more about you."Dahyun said excitedly

"Oh? You didn't told her that we already knew each other? Even in your sister you still trying to lie? Oh my gosh."Tzuyu said as straight forwardly she was. Momo just met her gaze and wink at her, satisfied of what her cousin have said

"Oh that's not even lying, I just didn't told her."Mingyu defended himself

"Lies."Tzuyu mumbles

"Your saying something Tzuyu?."Dahyun ask as Tzuyu sighed to a relief

"Nothing, let's go now?."Tzuyu said as she held Sana's hand and intertwined it with hers. Sana on the other hand is surprised

"They are together?."Mingyu ask her sister but her sister just shrugged her shoulders

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