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Little by little Sana and Tzuyu are getting closer to each other, their closure is different now than before. Of course they act like a real couple, Momo doesn't know it. Momo is also wondering why they are like that but she just ignores it because her cousin is happy there so it's okay for her.

As you can see Momo finally went home.

The four girls Momo, Dahyun, Sana and Tzuyu are currently in Momo's Condo. Theres a little celebration for Dahyun's success in her business and they just celebrate it in Momo's Condo. Their other friends are going there too.

"What time they will arrive?."Sana ask the two couple

"Any time, just wait dude."Momo said

"Guys Mina unnie said Chaeyoung and her will be late due to traffic."Dahyun said and Tzuyu quickly turn her way to the smaller one

"Wait what? You mean Son Chaeyoung?."Tzuyu excitedly said

"Yes why? You know her?."Dahyun ask

"Absolutely! She's one of my friend."Tzuyu said

"Oh great, somehow you know some of her friends."Momo said

A few minutes later a 2 girls with their hands intertwined together came.

"Oh my gosh Jeongyeon and Nayeon unnie!."Momo said while heading towards the two followed by Dahyun

"Seems like you miss us Moguri."Nayeon said welcoming her with a hug

"We miss you unnies!."Dahyun said with a bright smile

"Are you just hugging them?."Sana suddenly said

"Omg Sana?!."Jeongyeon said and quickly hug her same as Nayeon

"And who's that cute girl?."Nayeon said while pointing at Tzuyu

"Ah by the way! Hey Tzuyu come here!."Momo said and Tzuyu immediately obeyed her
"This is my cousin."Momo said while motioning Tzuyu to introduce herself

Tzuyu scratches the back of her neck before she spoken up.

"Uhhh... My name is Chou Tzuyu, I'm from Taiwan."Tzuyu said and reach out her hands

"I'm Im Nayeon nice too meet you!."Nayeon said showing her bunny smile she then took the taller one's hand and shake it. Jeongyeon did the same and started to introduce herself

"And I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, nice to meet you again Tzuyu."Jeongyeon said which made Tzuyu chuckles

"How you learned to be nice unnie?."Tzuyu teases the older

"Ya!! Stop it."Jeongyeon yelled. The four other girls is looking at them with a question mark look on her face

"You two already know each other?."Momo ask

"Isn't obvious?."Tzuyu said with a teasing grin on her face

"Well as you can see this kid is kinda savage."Jeongyeon said to her girlfriend

"Yeah I see, but she's cute"Nayeon said which made her girlfriend glared at her

"Stop that Nayeon."Sana said with a frown

"Tzuyu I have something to tell you!."Jeongyeon said and pulled Tzuyu away from them

"Can I come!."Dahyun said and follow the two

"Why you told me to stop by the way?."Nayeon ask the squirrel

"You know she likes my cousin."Momo said

"Oh and don't worry! I won't steal her from you, I just found her cute."Nayeon said and Sana quickly smile

"Well that's good, be loyal to Jeongyeon."Sana teases the older

"But I'm loyal to her."Nayeon said with a pout

"It's not obvious."Momo teases which made Nayeon hit her shoulders

"I hate you two!."Nayeon yelled

"We love you more!!."Sana and Momo said at the same time. They look at each other and started to laugh. Nayeon then walk away

Meanwhile someone is shouting from the outside.

"Hey!! I'm already here!."a loud voice coming out from the outside

"Let me guess it's Jihyo unnie."Dahyun said then the other girls nodded except for Tzuyu who didn't know her

"Who will open the door for her?."Momo ask nervously because they know that Jihyo will just scold them for being slow

"Tzuyu you do it."Nayeon said while looking at Tzuyu

"Ok then?."Tzuyu said and went towards the gate

"I hope she won't be scold."Sana said

"What took you so long guys!?."Jihyo said when she arrives inside

"They arguing if who will open the door."Tzuyu honestly said and sit besides Sana

"Why did you say that?."Sana whispered to her

"Why? Is there something wrong?."Tzuyu ask

"Sometimes Tzuyu stop being honest."Momo said and face palm

"You can't blame her babe."Dahyun said

"Your planning to lie to me huh?."Jihyo said and glared at them

"Next time come early Jihyo."Jeongyeon said

"Whatever, where's the other two couples?."Jihyo ask while checking them

"Hey guys!."Chaeyoung suddenly came

"Chaengie!!."Tzuyu said and gave her a hug

"I can't believe your here Tzuyu ah!."Chaeyoung said

"Speaking of Tzuyu! She's my cousin guys."Momo said and the girl mouthed an "o"

"She's cute unlike you."Mina teases the older

"Your so mean."Momo said then pout

"Don't you dare tease my baby or else."Dahyun warned them

"Or else what tiny girl."Tzuyu said then the other girls laugh out loud

"Nothing!."Dahyun said and hug her girlfriend instead

"Still savage."Chaeyoung said while laughing


Minutes later the five girls gathered to the kitchen leaving the four other girls in the living room.

The five girls is talking about Sana and Tzuyu.

"What? you told her that you can be her rebound? how nice of you."Mina said and shook her head in disbelief

"Do you know what you are doing?you'll just get hurt in the end."Momo said

"This is my choice okay? You know, maybe she will learn to love me too."Sana said confidently

"What if not? How about you? You will just end up hurt."Nayeon said with a worried face

"I told you it's my choice, I wanted it in the first place, if ever she doesn't love me back, I'll accept it. That too easy, and at least I tried, right?."Sana said while looking at the girls

"Fine, as long as you need us we're just here."Jihyo said with a smile on her face

"Group hug!."Momo said and open her arms. The five hug each other while the four other girls is looking at them

"Solo huh?."Chaeyoung said with a teasing grin on her face

"Won't you take us?."Jeongyeon said

"Your bad guys."Dahyun said while faking a cry

"Then let's make a group hug!."Tzuyu said and then they all hug

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