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So that's when Sana went to Japan after a 1 hour trip. Her dad's bodyguards picked her up. She comes to a wealthy family also.

(Just imagine that they are talking in Japanese)

"Where's dad by the way?."Sana ask one of her dad's bodyguard

"He's with his company ma'am."the bodyguard replied as Sana nodded her head

"Ms. Minatozaki? Your luggage?."the bodyguard ask for her luggage but she shook her head

"I can handle this."Sana said but the bodyguard didn't give up

"Your dad said that we will take all of your stuffs even though it's heavy or not."the bodyguard said as Sana walked away with her luggage on her hands

"She's still stubborn like in the old days."the other bodyguard said with a slight laugh

"She didn't change."the bodyguard said as she chased Sana

"Gotcha."her bodyguard snatch her luggage away from her, making Sana frown

"Whatever let's go!."Sana said and playfully rolls her eyes

A few moments later of driving they already arrived at their destination which is Sana's parents house. Her dad didn't able to go with them on Korea due to his busy schedules in company that's why only Sana and her mom went there.

"Oh my god Sana! You're now full grown and gorgeous!."their assistant in their house greeted her. Sana then quickly runs to her and gave her a tight embrace

"I miss you Rika! Glad your still here and didn't leave my father."Sana joked as Rika laugh

"You know that I'm loyal to your family."Rika said with a genuine smile. Since Sana was a child Rika is there for her to take care for her. Rika is such a kind and loyal assistant.

"I know right!."Sana said and gave her a high five, they treat each other as a sisters the difference is their age. Rika is 14 years older than her

"What's with the sudden visit by the way?."Rika ask which made Sana changed her mood, Rika notice it and gave her a tight embrace

"Just... you know a painful love, I'm tired of it."Sana said and Rika patted her shoulders

"You can move on soon Sana."Rika said trying too cheer her up
"Let's go to your room? You didn't know even if you're not there, I'm always cleaning your room."Rika said

"Wow that's great, did something change?."Sana said while walking upstairs

"I didn't change everything."Rika replied

"I guess it's still a childish room."Sana said with a chuckle

"But it's cute."Rika said as she opens the door for Sana

"Wow you're right nothings change."Sana said while roaming her eyes around the room
"Though it's kinda like it's for kids."Sana said laughing at her own words

"Yeah but do you want me to change it?."Rika ask

"No need Rika, I'll just change it by myself when I'm in the mood."Sana said as Rika nodded her head

"I'm going now, I have many things to do. Call me if you need something okay?."Rika said as Sana nodded her head and bid a goodbye

Sana then slammed her body to her bed thinking about Tzuyu again.

"Uhh how can I move on when I'm still thinking you, you can't get out of my mind Chou Tzuyu."Sana mumbles as she hit her head with her hands

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