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Sana, Momo and Tzuyu are now eating at the restaurant. Sana can't help but to stare at Tzuyu while eating, the taller girl didn't notice her as she's busy talking and teasing her cousin Momo. Sana didn't know but when Tzuyu and her stealing glances together, her heart beats starts to beat so fast. Sana's smile never fades by just looking at the girl across her, but then Sana ended up her thoughts when Momo kick her under the table she's now spacing out.

"Why?."Sana ask which made Tzuyu and Momo look at her Tzuyu is looking at her curiosily while the other one Momo is laughing inside of her mind

"She's spacing out."Momo said while trying her best not to laugh but then she ended up laughing which made the two look at her with a confuse look

"Unnie your crazy, your laughing at nothing."Tzuyu said while looking at her cousin who is still laughing

"No just I'm laughing because of Sana's reaction."Momo said as she stops laughing

"It's not funny at all."Tzuyu said and Sana nodded

"Fine you won, I'm only one and your two."Momo said then raised both of her hands like she's surrending

"By the way unnie, you said you want to meet my boyfriend right?."Tzuyu said which made Sana's heart broke into pieces, her friend Momo is now looking at her in a sad face

"Maybe ummm soon."Momo said and turn her head to Tzuyu

"But he's here."Tzuyu said which made Momo shock, she don't want to saw her friend hurt

"Eh? Where?."Momo said while roaming her eyes around the restaurant

"Hey babe!."the tall boy with bunny smile said as he walk towards the three girls table

"Oh he's good looking."Momo said while looking at the taller one

"Hey ummm I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you."the taller guy said while showing her bunny smile

"What's up! I'm Momo and this is my friend Sana."Momo introduce them

"Yeah Tzuyu talks to you alot."Jungkook said then sit besides Tzuyu, Momo then change her sit she sat besides Sana

"Don't worry Sana, they will not last long."Momo whisperes to Sana's eyes while laughing

"Why are you laughing again unnie?."Tzuyu said while raising her brow

"Sana made a joke."Momo said and pinch Sana's legs for to agree with her

"Yeah."Sana replied shortly

A few minutes later Tzuyu's boyfriend have to go, he then bid a goodbye to the three girls, Tzuyu then follow her boyfriend to came out.

"I feel something to that guy."Sana said to her friend Momo while looking at Jungkook's direction

"You feel what?."Momo ask curiously

"I feel like he's one of us."Sana said but Momo seems like she didn't get it

"I don't get it?."Momo questioning herself

"You don't get what?."Tzuyu suddenly came and sit across them

"I don't know too."Momo said which made Tzuyu chuckles
"You didn't kiss or what?."Momo suddenly ask because she and his boyfriend just bid a goodbye to each other without any skin ships

"Why you suddenly ask that?."Tzuyu ask but she answers it right away
"He doesn't do that."Tzuyu said and Momo and Sana sigh for a relief

"Then why?."Momo ask her

"I don't know either."Tzuyu said and munch her food
"You know unnie I'm so lucky to him, you know what he's not looking at the other girls."Tzuyu said proudly which made Sana and Momo look at each other like their talking to their mind

"Oh he's not looking to the other girls because he's looking to his same gender maybe."Sana mumbles but Tzuyu and Momo doesn't heard it

"Sana unnie your saying something?."Tzuyu ask Sana but the squirrel girl shook her head

"Oh?."Sana said while pointing at herself
"Me? HAHAHA none!."Sana laugh along with Momo

"I didn't hear that she said something."Momo said while laughing

"Oh yeah maybe it's just my imagination."Tzuyu said

"How long is your relationship to that men?."Momo suddenly ask

"One or two months."Tzuyu said

"Oh you two is long distance relationship right? Glad he doesn't find someone that is near with him."Sana said which made Momo glare at her and elbow her slyly

"He can't do that he loves me."Tzuyu proudly said

"Oh yeah, how did you two met?."Sana ask

"In IG he follows me and I followed him back and..."Tzuyu said Momo cutted her off

"That was called internet love."Momo said while clapping her hands two times

"That's weird you fall in love to the one who you just met in social media."Sana said

"Yeah you know, you didn't fall in love even once by the way."Momo said and rolled her eyes

"Who said I didn't fall?."Sana ask raising a brow to her friend Momo

"You just fell for their beautiful faces not.."Momo said but Sana hit her shoulder hardly

"You didn't know."Sana said while folding her arms over her chest Tzuyu is now exchanging glances to the arguing friends

"Momo unnie your always harsh to Sana unnie, why are you like that."Tzuyu defended Sana

"And you, your always defending her. Like dude for your information I'm your cousin."Momo said while rolling her eyes

"Oh yeah I thought your."Tzuyu didn't able to finish her sentence when she saw her cousin glaring at her
"Just kidding."Tzuyu said which made Sana laugh but then she just follows the older

"So change topic, because I already meet your boyfriend, tomorrow I would like you to meet mine."Momo said happily

"I hope he's like Jungkook tall and handsome."Tzuyu said while day dreaming to her boyfriend

"Oh he's better than Jungkook, daddy material and handsome have a nice body and oh and a great kisser."Momo said which made Tzuyu glare at her
"Why are you looking at me like that, I'm not saying that your boyfriend is not a good kisser but yeah but it seems like that too."Momo said and Sana just chuckles to what she just said

"Whatever bye!."Tzuyu said and walk away to the two

"Look what have you've done, It's your fault Momo. Let's follow her"Sana said while looking at Tzuyu's direction

"Yeah it's my fault but let her be."Momo said and her friend Sana has no choice but to agree

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