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Five of them leave, as Tzuyu still holding Sana's hands. They were just walking in the park, Mingyu keep his glance on Tzuyu. Tzuyu didn't notice that as she kept herself busy by just flirting with Sana. Momo saw that so she went behind them, here is Dahyun who didn't know so she just followed her girlfriend.

Momo is still annoyed in fact that Mingyu pretends as if he didn't do anything wrong, and that he didn't cheat on Tzuyu. She promised herself that when she saw that man's face she would make sure she destroyed his face.

She looked behind him and glared at Mingyu. The tall one just looked away as he followed them.

"Bro, you've been quiet for a while?."Dahyun ask as she turn her head to saw her brother

"Yeah yeah you know I'm the only man here, it's a little weird."Mingyu said as he scratched her nape

Tzuyu just look at him with a smirk on her face.

"He's such a liar."Tzuyu mumbles then Sana look at her

"Shh Dahyun might hear you."Sana whispers

"Just pretend that you are a gay."Momo tease

"I'm not a gay."Mingyu confidently said

"Yeah he's not because he's only a cheater."Tzuyu said and emphasize the word "cheater"

"Yeah he's really a cheater in game."Dahyun said with a chuckle. She really don't know what Tzuyu meant for

"Can't relate."Sana said which made all of them laugh except for Mingyu who is serious

A few minutes later they stop near the restaurant and Momo as a food lover, invited them to eat.

After they ate, Momo and Dahyun excused themselves because Momo wants them to buy clothes, she was comfortable because Sana was there. But before they left she looked at Sana motioning her not to leave her cousin. Sana on the other hand didn't understand her friend but just nodded her head.

Meanwhile Sana excuses herself as someone called her from afar. Now Mingyu and Tzuyu left the table. Tzuyu can't help it but to move away but Mingyu held her wrist. She looked up and met Mingyu's gaze.

"Tzuyu let's talk, please."Mingyu pleaded still holding her wrist

"What can we talk about?."Tzuyu ask as she raises one of her eyebrow

Mingyu just stood up and pulled her out of the restaurant. Mingyu is stronger than her that's why she didn't able to let go of his hands. When they are already from afar Mingyu let go of her hands and look at Tzuyu directly to her eyes.

"Why did you bring me here?!."Tzuyu said bluntly

"Why are you the one who has the urge to get angry, aren't you the first to cheat?."Mingyu said as Tzuyu shook her head in disbelief

"Funny, Am I really the first to cheat? You know we shouldn’t get into this situation if you trust me and let me explain but what did you do? You cheated on me you confronted yourself with your girlbestfriend then what? you two make out infront of my fucking eyes?!."Tzuyu said angrily

"So what are you and Jackson huh?!."Mingyu said

"We're just friends, but you think differently. Why are you like that? You thought you didn't do anything wrong .... you know we shouldn't talk about this anymore, it's been a long time and I've moved on with you."Tzuyu said and was about to walk away but Mingyu held her wrist again

"I'm sorry Tzuyu, I still love you. I'm sorry if I didn't believe you in the first place, I'm sorry it's all my fault. I just want you to come back to me again. I promise you that this will never happen again Tzuyu, please come back to me."Mingyu said sincerely. Tzuyu close her eyes as she tried her best not to fall on Mingyu's words

Yes, Tzuyu still loves Mingyu he's even her first love but he cheated, he cheated and it was his choice. Tzuyu also made a mistake, she went with her friend at that time when they fought but there was nothing wrong with that because she knew they hadn't done anything wrong. Not because he thought that Tzuyu cheated on him, he can cheat on her.

"You think I can still trust you after what you did to me?."that was the first thing that came out of her mouth. She controls herself and walk away leaving the tall guy

Tzuyu came back inside the restaurant and found Sana looking at her.

"Hey Tzuyu! Where have you been? I've been looking at you."Sana ask while looking at Tzuyu
"Are you okay? Did Mingyu hurt you?."Sana ask worriedly

"No don't worry we just talk."Tzuyu said as she hug Sana not minding if there was a lot of people watching them. Sana pulled away and starts to spoke

"Let's go to your cousin they are waiting for us."Sana said as she pulled Tzuyu away from the restaurant

"Hey Tzuyu! Where have you been huh?."Momo ask worriedly

"Where is my brother?."Dahyun ask

"I'm fine, and your brother I left him from afar."Tzuyu asnwers

"So I will just call him and after that we will went home."Dahyun said she reach out her phone

"While waiting what about we roam around here again?."Sana suggested as she looks at Tzuyu. Tzuyu is not in the mood so she did not reply

"What happen to you Tzuyu? You weren't like that eaelier huh?."Dahyun ask confusly

"I'm fine unnie."Tzuyu replied but Dahyun seems not believing her

"You seems not."Dahyun said

"Cauz we need to talk."Momo said as she pulled her cousin away
"Excuse us!."Momo said and the two disappered

"I think they are hiding us something."Dahyun said to Sana as the squirrel just shrugged her shoulders

Momo and Tzuyu

"So better you explain it to me."Momo said as she put her arms over her chest

"Mingyu and I talk and he said sorry."Tzuyu said while playing with her finger

"You believe him, do you?."Momo ask as Tzuyu shook her head for a response
"Well Tzuyu I'm not forcing you not to give him another chance. What your heart says is what you follow, I am not the one who owns your heart, you still have the decision. I am only here to give you advice and to protect you. If he really regrets what he did and if you still love him, go ahead and do what you want. Just remember that your cousin is always here."Momo said with a smile on her face. Tzuyu  tear up but Momo wipe it away as they both pulled themselves into a tight embrace

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