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After Tzuyu and Mingyu meet up Tzuyu came back to Momo's Condo. She went inside and saw Momo waiting to her in the couch.

"Tzuyu I hope you're sure with your decision. I don't want you to regret it in the end."Momo said as she made her way to her cousin

She already knows what happen to her and Sana. Sana is trying herself to take a leave, she's planning to fly to Japan to forget what happen her here in Korea.

"Momo unnie why Am I feeling this... I don't want her to lose too."Tzuyu said as her eyes started to tear up

"This is getting worst Tzuyu. You better find out what you really feel for Mingyu."Momo said but Tzuyu shook her head

"Momo unnie I love him, I don't want to doubt my love for him."Tzuyu said

"But you have to choose Tzuyu, now that Mingyu is the one you chose, what about Sana if she stays by your side? She will only get hurt more. So you better give her space first. I hope you consider her feelings too Tzuyu."Momo said with a sad smile on her face, Tzuyu just nodded her head

"Sorry unnie for being selfish..."Tzuyu said as Momo gave her a tight hug

"Stop crying now Tzuyu."Momo said and patted her cousin's back
"Be happy with Mingyu."Momo said, she tiptoed and kissed Tzuyu's forehead


Sana came back to her house with a puffy red eyes. Her mom saw her and quickly welcome her with a tight embrace.

"What happen to you Sana?."her mon ask in a concerned tone

"Tzuyu... Tzuyu choose Mingyu."Sana said as she cried in her mom's shoulder. Her mom have nothing to say but to hug her daughter tightly.

"You will be okay soon honey, stop crying now. I don't want to see you like this."her mom said as she face Sana, she wipe her tears and gave her a hurtful smile

"Mom I want to go back to Japan with dad."Sana said in a low tone

"You sure for that?."her mom ask as Sana nodded her head

"Yes mom I want to have some space. I don't know if I can stay here any longer, our worlds are just always getting closer. Everytime I see her side by side."Sana explains as her mom had nothing to do but to grant her daughter's decision

"Tomorrow morning you will leave the country."her mom said as she reach out her phone to call someone

Sana just headed upstairs with a sad face. She buried her face into the pillow, she cried there.

For the last time she want to saw Tzuyu tomorrow so she called Momo.

Hey Sana chan~ you called?

I just want to know where is Tzuyu?

She's with Mingyu Sana chan~

Is she free tomorrow?

Why do you need to know Sana ya?

I just want to saw her Momo ya~ please

Are you really trying to break your heart?

Momo ya I'm leaving tomorrow to Japan, I want to see her for the last time. Don't worry I wont interrupt their moment

I'll ask her and I'll text you the location

Thank you Momo chan! you're the best!

Just promise me Sana that you will be back here in Korea

I promise Momo, I just wanted some space

I will miss you

Yeah me too, gotta end this now

Sana ended the call with a sigh. She knows she will just get hurt if she will do this. But she want to see Tzuyu for the last time.

This is gonna be a bad day for Sana.

She hope when the day comes she will forget how she feels for Tzuyu.

"This will also disappear, be strong Sana be strong."Sana said to herself as she wipe her tears from her cheek

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