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After that incident Tzuyu decided to meet Jungkook, Jungkook told her that she will pick her in the restaurant that when they last went. Tzuyu is not happy but nervous, she don't know what will happen next after this. She's guilty for what she and Sana does to her room, she felt like she's cheating on her boyfriend, she doesn't like it, she's tempted.

Meanwhile after waiting for Jungkook in the restaurant for almost 15 minutes her tall bunny boyfriend finally went there with a flowers on his hands, Tzuyu aren't excited anymore unlike they're last meeting that Jungkook came with a flowers on his hands not now that what he did to Tzuyu.

"Hey babe!."Jungkook greeted the Taiwanese girl showing his bunny teeth
"What's up!."Jungkook said as she sits across her girlfriend

"The ceiling."Tzuyu mumbles but her boyfriend didn't hear it

"Your saying something?."Jungkook ask with a question mark look on his face

"Umm none, I just miss you."Tzuyu said and fake a smile

"Oh I see I miss you too."Jungkook said showing her bunny smile

"Kook I want you to be honest with me."Tzuyu said in a serious tone

Jungook suddenly felt nervous, "Wha.. What do you mean?."Jungkook stutters

"Don't lie to me Jungkook, who's that guy with you in the mall last time?."Tzuyu straightly ask

"It's.. It's just my..my friend babe."Jungkook lied

"Really friend? Then why are you two kissing? What was that called? Friends with benefits?."Tzuyu said

"Tzuyu let me explain.."Jungkook said without meeting the taller one's gaze

Tzuyu then place her arms over her chest, "Then go explain?."Tzuyu said

"Taehyung.. Taehyung is my ex... I'm sorry I fell inlove with him... Again."Jungkook said

"So I'm just your rebound?."Tzuyu try not to tear up

"No Tzuyu.. Believe me or not I'd love you."Jungkook said and held Tzuyu's hands but she quickly remove it
"Tzuyu I'm sorry.. I want to tell you this but I'm afraid.. I'm afraid that you might get hurt."Jungkook said

"Then what do you think your doing to me huh?."Tzuyu said but Jungkook just kept silence

"I'm letting you go."Jungkook said in a sad tone Tzuyu can't help but her tears started to fall down to her cheeks and she quickly wipe it
"I'm sorry Tzuyu.."Jungkook said and started to walk away leaving the sad Yoda

Tzuyu just went to Momo's Condo with her sad face, she saw the two Japanese girls sitting on the couch while watching TV.

"Hey Tzuyu!! what's up with your da.."Momo suddenly saw Tzuyu's puffy red eyes because she cried
"Oh my gosh why are you crying?."Momo said worriedly, Sana then run towards their direction

"Did that fucking gay made you cry?!."Sana said angrily

"Wait who's that gay?."Momo ask while looking at Jungkook

"Jungkook and I broke up."Tzuyu said as her tears started to fall again Momo on the other side hugs her immediately

"Tzuyu.. tell me why did he broke up with you."Momo said but she just receive sobs from the taller

Sana then look at Tzuyu like she's asking for a permission to Tzuyu if she will say it to her cousin what's the real reason and the taller girl just nodded.

"That Jungkook is a gay, he cheated on her with his same gender."Sana said and Momo broke the hug with her clenched fist

"Tell me where's his adress, I'll punch him real hard on his fucking face."Momo said but Tzuyu shook her head

"Calm down unnie, I'm okay.. I'm fine."Tzuyu said and walk away Sana was about to follow the taller when Momo suddenly held her hands

"Let her be."Momo said and Sana have no choice but to agree

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