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"Is Tzuyu there?."Mingyu ask Momo

"Yeah she is still in her room."Momo said

"What happened to her? Is she okay?."Mingyu ask but Momo shook her head

"I hope you can help her Mingyu, I trust you."Momo said and tapped his back, Mingyu just nodded his head and headed to Tzuyu's room

"Tzuyu ah! Open the door it's me Mingyu."Mingyu said while knocking on the door

"Mingyu.. I'm tired please."Tzuyu asnwers

"No Tzuyu, your cousin said you are not taking your foods. Please come out, I'm begging you."Mingyu said not stopping
"Tzuyu! Don't be so stubborn or else I'll break this door."Mingyu said as Tzuyu finally opens the door with her puffy red eyes

"Why are you here?."Tzuyu said while looking on the floor

"Tzuyu you're torturing yourself, why are you like that, why are you crying?."Mingyu ask

"This is nothing Mingyu, just please go. I want to be alone."Tzuyu said with a sad tone

"Tzuyu we are just okay yesterday right? Please Tzuyu tell it to me, I'm your boyfriend."Mingyu said trying to convince Tzuyu

"I told you Mingyu this is just nothing."Tzuyu said not trying to look at Mingyu's gaze

"Tzuyu I know your lying, I know theres something is bothering you. Tell me what is it. I will listen and I will understand."Mingyu said as Tzuyu finally look at him in his eyes

"Mingyu.. I'm sorry."Tzuyu said and quickly hug Mingyu

"Tzu.. Tzuyu..."Mingyu try not himself to not cry
"Tzuyu, If you're not ready. I'm willing to wait. Just take care of yourself, don't mess up yourself."Mingyu said while patting Tzuyu's back

"Sorry to disturb you guys but... Tzuyu let's eat now?."Momo said as Mingyu pulled Tzuyu downstairs

Tzuyu finally eat now after she suffered from just staying in her room. She became like this after Sana left the country. Momo already knows the reason but she has nothing to do but to force Tzuyu to eat but she is such a stubborn. She finds Mingyu to help her gladly he help her. He's her boyfriend after all.

Momo thought that Tzuyu regret what she did that because of her Sana had to avoid her and go to another country.

"Thanks Mingyu, because of you she managed to eat again."Momo whispered to Mingyu as they are watching Tzuyu from the living room eating her foods

"No need to say thank you, it's my job as her boyfriend. I'm sorry if I didn't able to make her happy."Mingyu said while looking down, Momo look at her with a frown

"Don't say that, it's not your fault that she's like that."Momo said with a slight smile

"Uhh If you don't mind... Can I take her outside? For her to have some fresh air."Mingyu said as he rubs the back of his neck

"Sure why not? I know she's safe with your hands."Momo said
"Just promise me you will never leave her again okay?."Momo said and went towards her cousin

"But even though I know I'm not the one who she loves... will I still?."Mingyu whispered, you can see he's hurt through his eyes

At the park, Tzuyu and Mingyu are walking with Mingyu behind Tzuyu. They are always doing this but he will just stay in Tzuyu's back, they didn't do holding hands or what other couple do. He doesn't know if Tzuyu have still feelings for him because he doesn't feel it. She's not the Chou Tzuyu that he knows when they are on their relationship in the past.

"I guess I already ruin it, If I just not let you go that day then this ain't happening."Mingyu thought

"Tzuyu, let's go sit there?."Mingyu said while pointing at the bench near them, Tzuyu just nodded her head and went there

"Thanks Mingyu.. You made my day lighten up."Tzuyu said but still with her expressionless face

"It's my job, I'm your boyfriend."Mingyu said with a smile
"I'm making you happy right?."Minyu suddenly ask

"Yeah why you suddenly ask that hmm?."Tzuyu ask as she look at Mingyu curiously

"Nothing just asking hehe."Mingyu said while scratching his nape

"Okay?."Tzuyu replied and look away

"Tzuyu.."Mingyu called Tzuyu's name as Tzuyu replied with a humm
"Do you really love me?."Mingyu ask, Tzuyu look at her with a questioning look on her face

"What kind of question is that Mingyu?."Tzuyu ask back

"You can't even answer my question."Mingyu said with a force laugh

"M.. Mingyu..."Tzuyu said but Mingyu cutted her off

"I know Tzuyu... I already know. I know you don't love me, I know you love her."Mingyu said still with a smile even though he's hurting inside

"Mingyu I'm sorry."that was the words that came out of Tzuyu's mouth

"It's okay Tzu, you didn't mean to love her. You fall for her and I can't do nothing about that."Mingyu said
"I told your cousin that I will never leave you again but this is also for you so that you can be happy..."Mingyu paused and look at Tzuyu but she's not looking at him

"Mingyu... I don't know but.."Tzuyu said but not continue

"Shh Tzuyu.. You don't need to."Mingyu said and sighed

"I think it's time for me to let you go.. At first I thought you love me but I guess I'm wrong. I know I'm the reason why she left you, but now I'm giving you a chance to chase her, go with her. You love each other I know that."Mingyu said with a teary eye but she's not looking at Tzuyu

"Even if I get hurt, as long as it makes you happy, I'll take care of myself."Mingyu thought after he walks away

"That's the reason why you are like that?."Dahyun ask

"Yeah and she didn't tell me."Momo said while crossing her arms

"Sorry unnie I was busy that time. Finding Sana but I didn't think there are you."Tzuyu said

"Ya If you just let me know then you will not suffer like that this days."Momo said and playfully rolled her eyes

"Enough with that, now that you really love that squirrel then what we will gonna do?."Dahyun said as Momo and Tzuyu look at each other

"Let's go with her."Tzuyu said without hesitation

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