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"You didn't want Tzuyu to be here?."Momo ask after Yuta left

"I told you, I'm not ready to see her yet."Sana answered avoiding an eye contact to her friend

"Oh? Because you still has feelings for her?."Momo ask

"Why is she here with you? Did you force her to went here?."Sana said avoiding Momo's question

"Nope? Actually she even said we should come here."Momo said as Sana look at her, she's not believing her

"You're lying."Sana said with a grin

"Well I'm just saying that, if you don't want to believe me, okay?."Momo said and walk away

"How can I believe that dork uhhh."Sana mumbles while watching her walking

"Hey Sana."a voice interrupted her

"What?!."Sana shouted and look at the voice owner, for her shock she found Tzuyu standing inches away from her

"Why are you shouting at me?."Tzuyu ask with a pout, Sana close her eyes and facepalm

"Sorry I.. I'm not in the mood, I'm not feeling better."Sana said as Tzuyu came closer without her knowing it

"But I can make you feel better."Tzuyu whispered to her ears, Sana finally opens her eyes and found their faces inches away closer to each other

"Move away."Sana said and back out

"Why? You don't want to be closer with me?."Tzuyu ask

"Just I don't want to, excuse me."Sana said and headed upstairs

"Hey! I'm already sleepy but I don't know where should I stay."Tzuyu shouted but Sana keeps on walking
"She's kinda rude to me."Tzuyu said with a pout

"Hey Tzu? Stay with Sana's room because me and Dahyun is staying in one room."Momo said and tap her shoulders

"She's not listening to me."Tzuyu said

"I'll convince her, where is she?."Momo ask while looking around

"Upstairs."Tzuyu replied as Momo went upstairs and find Sana's room

"Hey Sana open the door, I need to tell you something."Momo knocks

"What?."Sana said when she opens the door

"Did you remember what I said to you earlier?."Momo said as Sana look at her confusly

"Obviously not?."Sana ask her back

"That my other friend is staying here with you."Momo said

"I change my mind."Sana said

"But? Where would she stay?."Momo ask

"In your room."Sana said and slammed the door

"Fine."Momo said and rolled her eyes

"What now?."Tzuyu said excitedly as she watched Momo walk downstairs

"Sorry she's kinda heartless now."Momo said which made Tzuyu pout

"I really change her."Tzuyu said and lowered down her head

"No Tzu, stop thinking that."Momo said and Dahyun suddenly came out

"Hey guys? What's with that looks? Something bad happen?."Dahyun ask and went besides her girlfriend

"You know Sana don't want to be with her in her bedroom."Momo said

"I have an idea."Dahyun said and the two look at her with a questionable look

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