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Early in the morning, Sana woke up. She lazily stood up and headed through her bathroom to wash up. She have no idea that her friends is already in their flight to visit her there.

She went downstairs only to greet her father who is going to work.

"How's my daughter's day?."her dad ask

"It's fine, but it's boring."Sana said as she sighed

"I told you, go with Yuta sometimes."her dad said

"Well he's being flirty and I don't like it."Sana said, making her father laugh

"You two look good together."her dad teases her

"Dad.."Sana whines

"Just kidding, I know you're into girls."her dad said then wink at her
"So? I better go now, goodluck with this flirty Yuta."her dad teases before he goes

"Well your parents is supportive."Rika suddenly came out of nowhere

"Yeah that's why I love them."Sana said

"Want me to prepare you a foods?."Rika ask but Sana shook her head

"I can do this Rika."Sana said, Rika just nodded her head and don't complain to this stubborn girl

A few minutes of eating Sana is already finish and someone suddenly knocks on the door. Sana assumed it's Yuta again.

She was not mistaken it's him.

"If you're asking me to went outside, it's a no. I'm not in the mood."Sana said

"Then let me just stay here with you."Yuta said, Sana just sighed for a response
"Yes! You can't really resist me."Yuta said and put his arms over Sana's shoulders

"Your arms is so heavy."Sana said and rolls her eyes

"Aw you really change, but I still like you."Yuta said, he covered his mouth of what he last said

"Whatever."Sana replied

"Let's watch movie together!."Yuta suggested

"K."that's was only Sana's word

"It's cold, Isn't the cold weather or it's just you?."Yuta teases her

"I don't know? Ask the weather."Sana said which made Yuta laugh out loud
"It's not funny Yuta."Sana said with a frown

"Ya! It's funny."Yuta said while laughing

"Ok? Continue on laughing then I'll kick you out of this house."Sana said seriously, Yuta then stops on laughing

"Fine I'm sorry."Yuta said
"Momo said she's going to went here? With her girlfriend?."Yuta said which made Sana look at her

"Even that she tell it to you?."Sana ask

"Of course we're close enough."Yuta said

"That girl likes you really much."Sana said shooking her head

"Wait what Momo likes me?."Yuta said, Sana frown and look at her with a questioning look

"It's not what you think."Sana said

"I thought."Yuta said then burst out of laughing

"Are you drunk or what?."Sana ask while looking at Yuta

"No why? I'm just laughing."Yuta said, Sana didn't answer and just look at somewhere

A few minutes of silence someone suddenly knocks on the door.

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