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The four girls is now done roaming around the mall so they decided to went home but Momo is staying all night with her girlfriend so Tzuyu will be alone in Momo's Condo.

"Sana if you don't mind, just stay in Momo's Condo. Your parents won't mind it right?."Dahyun said with a grin on her face

"For sure she will agree, right Sana?."Momo said then smile to her

"Okay fine."Sana said then fold her arms over her chest

"Great Tzuyu!! Sana will stay with your room again."Momo shouted to Tzuyu up there

Tzuyu then run downstairs because she heard Momo shouts her name, "Yes Momo unnie?."Tzuyu ask again

"As I said earlier, Sana will stay here again to your room, so that you will have someone with you."Momo said then Tzuyu nodded her head and look at Sana

"Oh great, take care Momo unnie!! Dahyun unnie take care of her okay? I trust you."Tzuyu said

Dahyun then salute, "Yes Tzuyu I will."Dahyun bowed

"Crazy."Momo said and rolls her eyes

"Only for you."Dahyun said then wink at her girlfriend

"Wow just wow, we're still here you know."Tzuyu said then walk upstairs

"She have a boyfriend but she's so bitter."Dahyun said which made Momo and Sana laugh

"Well you two gotta go."Sana said with a smile on her face

"Seems like you have a plan on Tzuyu, don't you dare...."Momo wasn't able to finish her sentence when Sana spoken up

"Ya I won't do anything to your beloved cousin, I won't touch her."Sana said then raised her right hand

"You really can't trust Sana unnie babe."Dahyun said as she pulled Momo to her
"Let's go, we have many more to do."Dahyun said and leave Momo just follows her leaving the Japanese squirrel girl

Sana then went to Tzuyu's room and knock on her door.

"Tzuyu it's me Sana."Sana said and stops knocking when Tzuyu open the door for her

"Yeah I know, come in."Tzuyu said and sit on her bed

"You'll meet your boyfriend later?."Sana ask without meeting the younger one's gaze

"Yup, why?."Tzuyu replied

"Nothing, I just wanna stroll later since your not here."Sana said then Tzuyu nodded


Sana now left the house as just what she said to Tzuyu. The taller girl is just laying in her bed thinking of her boyfriend, the scene ealier bother her in every minutes, she didn't know if her boyfriend is cheating on her not with a girl but with a boy. Isn't that's the reason why her boyfriend is not looking to the other girls? Just because she's attractive with his same gender.

Her head is aching because of thinking, she want to cry and went to Jungook, she wants to know, she wants her boyfriend to be honest with her. Tzuyu want her boyfriend to tell her right away, she wants her boyfriend to be honest with her if he really loves her she will tell her the truth he will not gonna lie to her.

Tzuyu receive a message to her boyfriend but she suddenly frown when she saw the latters message, she wasn't able to go with their date because he's busy with his family.

"Family? Is that really the reason or your just with that men tsk."Tzuyu mumbles and throw her phone on the side of her bed


Sana finally finish her thing and decided to went to Momo's Condo, when she entered inside she suddenly saw a mess on the kitchen, a bottles of Soju on the floor. She then went to the kitchen and for her shock she saw Tzuyu drinking bottle of soju.

"What the fuck Tzuyu? Momo said your not drinking an alcohol."Sana said and take a bottle of soju from Tzuyu's hand

"Hey! Take that back to me! I'm still not done."Tzuyu said she's still not drunk because she have a high tolerance of alcohol

"Isn't that enough?."Sana ask and Tzuyu took the bottle of soju on her hands

"Yeah, Look! I'm still not drunk."Tzuyu said as she drink the bottle of soju

"Tzuyu are you okay?."Sana suddenly ask worriedly

"Not really, wanna join me to drink?."Tzuyu said honestly
"I want to go to the bar, any place suggestion?."Tzuyu said which made Sana shock

"What happen to you tell me? Why are you like this is there something bothering you? You can tell me I'm your friend right."Sana worriedly

Tzuyu just look at her but she quickly look away, "Tzuyu you can tell me, I won't tell anybody."Sana said with a small smile on her face

"Ju.. Jungkook... I think he cheated on me."Tzuyu said which made Sana clenched her fist

"Who's the girl?!."Sana said angrily

"I.. It's not a girl unnie...."Tzuyu said which made Sana widen her eyes

"What do you mean? Not a girl then what? A boy?."Sana ask but she already knows the answers

"Yes.... I saw them kissing on the mall, and the one who I saw earlier was them. Remember the gay boys you've said? It's them."Tzuyu said in a sad tone

"Wait what? Why didn't you do something to them?."Sana ask

"Unnie... What if I'm wrong? What if they are just friend? What if I'm just mistaken?."Tzuyu said trying to hold her tears

Sana then cupped Tzuyu's face and look directly to the taller one's eyes, "Tzuyu, are you sure it's Jungkook?."Sana ask then Tzuyu just nodded

"He didn't even met me earlier in our date, he said he's busy but I think he's with that boy."Tzuyu said and her tears started to fall down Sana then wipe her tears

"You didn't deserve him Tzuyu, you deserve someone. There's a person who loves you from your side."Sana said then Tzuyu suddenly hugs her while crying on her shoulders
"That's it Tzuyu, let it all out."Sana said while patting the younger one's back

A minutes later Tzuyu finally stops crying and face Sana.

"Sana unnie, Thank you."Tzuyu said with a smile on her face and this time it's not fake it's real

"For what Tzuyu ah?."Sana ask confusly

"For comforting me, you made me feel better."Tzuyu said and a smild suddenly appears on Sana's lip

"No problem."Sana said and patted the younger one's head

"Drink with me unnie."Tzuyu said but Sana is hesitant to answer
"Please unnie?."Tzuyu pleaded cutely so Sana couldn't say no to her but to accept it

Sana didn't drink too much her bottle is still on the middle part, but Tzuyu already drunk 4 bottles she's now getting drunk. Sana didn't take it anymore so she took Tzuyu's bottle and place it on the sink far from Tzuyu.

"Stop drinking, your now drunk."Sana said but Tzuyu shook her head

"I.. *hik* I want to drink more."Tzuyu said

"No! I'll take you to your bedroom."Sana said and pulled Tzuyu upstairs she place Tzuyu's arms to her shoulder for a support

Sana was placing Tzuyu on her bed but because she's weak she let go of Tzuyu and the taller fall over her top, her heart is beating faster as she knew that her crush is on her top. Her eyes suddenly met her kissable lips.

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