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Sana woken up early in the morning just to see Tzuyu, she texted her friend Momo that she will visit there at 6 and her friend have no choice but to accept it, she can't say no to her friend after all.

"Hey Momo!."Sana said while opening the door for herself

"Hmmm why are you here at this early in the morning? Is it because of my cousin, isn't?."Momo said and fold her arms over her chest

"No, I went here because I'm bored in my house."Sana said while putting her things in the table

"Stop lying Sana, your not going here at this early morning."Momo said and rolls her eyes

"Fine, I went here because of your cousin Tzuyu."Sana admitted

"Did you like her?."Momo asked her friend and Sana just nodded her head
"Sana she's straight okay? She already have a boyfriend, you'll only get hurt."Momo said but Sana didn't mind it

"You know me Momo, everything I want everything I get."Sana said then smile to her

"Fine whatever, as long as I told you."Momo said and get back to her business

"By the way where's Tzuyu?."Sana said while making her way to Momo's direction

"Oh she's not here, she's with her boyfriend."Momo said and emphasize the word "boyfriend"

"Why didn't you told me."Sana said and glared at her friend

"Dude you didn't said earlier your going here because of her."Momo said then rolls her eyes

"Where are they by the way?."Sana ask

"Girl don't ruin their relationship okay?."

"I will never do that, where are they?."Sana ask once again

"You don't need to know."

"Just say it to me, please?."Sana pleaded

"Ok fine."Momo said and Sana quickly went to her direction to gave her a back hug
"I don't know where are they sorry."Momo said while doing a peace sign

"Bitch! I thought you know."Sana said then slap her friend's shoulder

"Hey that was hurt!."Momo said while caressing her shoulder

"Well you deserve it."Sana said and rolled her eyes

"Then get out of my place!! I won't let you closer to Tzuyu."Momo said while pointing at her door

"I'm just kidding you know, I love you!."Sana said while linking her arms through Momo's and gave her a peck kiss on her cheeks

"Now I know Tzuyu is your weakness."Momo said with a grin on her face Sana then glared to her

"Don't tell me you will use Tzuyu to.."Momo cut her off

"That's exactly right!."Momo said and wink at her friend

"Your such a tease."Sana said and make a pout on her lips

"I know, by the way Tzuyu and I are having a lunch later outside wanna come?."Momo suddenly said

"Oh I'd love to! As long as Tzuyu is there."Sana said excitedly while clapping her hands

"Pity you if you fall for Tzuyu deeply."Momo said which made Sana furrowed

"Why is she a play girl?."

"Not like you, she have many boyfriends but her boyfriends left her."Momo said and get some drinks

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