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Momo woken up but she didn't saw the two Sana and Tzuyu's presence. She just didn't mind it and went downstairs to cook some food for them later on. Sana stay here at Tzuyu's room as she said so she just accept it. She hopes that Sana didn't ruin her cousin's innocence. She's a bit afraid that Sana will do something bad to her cousin. She then shook her head and ended all of her thoughts.

"Stop thinking negative Momo, Sana will never do that."Momo mumbles to herself as she look at the one she's doing she didn't notice that she's already done cooking

She immediately went to Tzuyu's room, she then knock on the door but no one is opening the door for her so she place her ears to the door and for her shock she heard someone is moaning, she didn't hear it clearly because that room is a little sound proof. She didn't hesitate to went to her room and get Tzuyu's room duplicate key. She thinks that there is a miracle going on inside, she quickly open it with her duplicate key she slowly opening the door but for her shock she saw Sana with a blanket on top of her while masturbating herself and moaning Tzuyu's name.

"Sana! What the hell are you doing to Tzuyu's room? You bitch I thought you did something miracle to my cousin my gosh."Momo said while caressing her forehead Sana was surprise for her sudden friend's action she stops masturbating and wear her clothes properly
"Dude clean your mess."Momo said and Sana just obeyed her friend

"What are you doing here?."Sana said as she sit in the bed while folding her arms over her chest

"I thought you already ruin Tzuyu's innocence, by the way where is she?."Momo ask while raising her brow

Tzuyu suddenly came holding a towel on her neck, her sweats are now sliding on her stomach, "Hey unnie? What brings you here?."Tzuyu said as she went inside her room Sana then look at her from head to toe and stops on her abdomen Sana then bit her lip Momo notice it so she went to Sana's side and hit her friends shoulder

"Jogging?."Momo said then smile to Sana who is now in pain because of what she did to her

"Yup, I didn't woke you up because I know you will not let me so I do it by my self."Tzuyu said as she wipes her sweats with the towel that she was holding and which made Sana wet down there

Momo then whispers to Sana's ears, "Sana calm down your fucking hormones."Momo smirk
"So I cooked some foods downstairs, let's eat, shall we?."Momo said and pulled her cousin downstairs while Sana is now biting her lip because she's feeling her hormones kick her out again.
Sana then remembered what she does to Tzuyu last night.


"Sana unnie I'm just going to take a shower, stay there."Tzuyu said as she headed to the bathroom

While Tzuyu is taking a half bath, Sana is just playing with her phone. A few minutes later Tzuyu finally finish her business she's now on her bathrobe Sana can't help but to look at the tallers wet neck. The water flowing through her neck and it makes her feel so hot, she's getting wetter and wetter for Tzuyu but she stops herself, she don't want to do something bad to Tzuyu as for her friend Momo said.
When Tzuyu finally wear her clothes she sigh in relief but Tzuyu is still hot because of her clothes, she's now wearing an oversized shirt with a thin shorts on it and that's makes her look so hot and sexy at the same time.

A minutes later the two are now getting ready for sleep Tzuyu is the first goes to sleep and Sana is just playing with her phone she find Tzuyu beautiful with just sleeping, she's just looking at the taller one's face. She didn't know but her hands slid to Tzuyu's waist by itself and for her shock Tzuyu hug her back.

"Goodnight unnie."Tzuyu said with her eyes close she didn't expect Tzuyu to hug her back and she's still awake Sana didn't answer back but she just place her head to the taller one's neck she sniff Tzuyu's neck and it smells really good. She don't know but she want her lips on the taller one's neck but she can't do that she knows Tzuyu is still awake.

1PM Sana is still awake she can't sleep because she's just looking at Tzuyu's beautiful face, all she wanna do is to kiss the taller one's lips but she knows she have no right to do it so she just restrains herself for doing it. A few minutes later her hands slid to Tzuyu's thigh and down to her...
she then shook her head and turn around to avoid it she then immediately turn to sleep.

End of flashback

Sana then went downstairs to eat with them.

"Hey Sana go get ready yourself, Dahyun is going here any minutes."Momo said while munching her foods, Sana then sit besides her friend and took some food

"Your still not taking a bath Tzu."Sana ask and Tzuyu shook her head
"That's great let's take a shower together shall we?."Sana said confidently which made Momo widen her eyes and Tzuyu was now confuse of what she just said

"What?."Tzuyu shortly replied as if she didn't heard it

"Just kidding."Sana said with her fake laugh and Momo just join her so as not to be embarrassing

"So? Get ready you two, I'll just go upstairs to get all my stuffs."Momo said while heading upstairs

Tzuyu then look at Sana, "You better take a shower with my room and I'll take a shower with Momo unnie's room got it?."Tzuyu said then drink her water and got up

Sana on the other hand felt embrass because of what she just said earlier she didn't mean to say it, it's just came out through her fucking talkative mouth. Her face is now heating up.

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