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So that's what Sana and Tzuyu continue to do, as time goes on, Sana falls deeply inlove to Tzuyu.

The two is on the couch flirting with each other while watching a movie. On the other side Momo is looking at them, she didn't know what would she feels. Will she be sad or happy. Because she knew in the end that Tzuyu might not love Sana back. She also doesn't want to be negative, she's just thinking about the possibilities that will happen to Sana.

"Why do you have to do this Sana, aish."Momo mumbles as she headed upstairs leaving the two

"Tzuyu."Sana called Tzuyu in the middle of the movie

"Yes?."Tzuyu replied as she look at Sana

"I.. I have something to tell you."Sana said nervously

"Why are you stuttering? Are you nervous? Tell me what's wrong."Tzuyu said with a concern voice

"I... I lik..."Sana was cutted off when a phone call suddenly rang

"Wait a minute, I'm just gonna answer this."Tzuyu said and walked away leaving the nervous squirrel

"I like you."Sana mumbles as her tears we're falling up from her face. She immediately wipe it off before Tzuyu might saw it

"Hey Sana.. I'm going somewhere."Tzuyu suddenly said. Sana just nodded her head and Tzuyu quickly went outside

Momo came and went besides Sana.

"Your going to confess to her?."Momo ask

"Yes but... every time I want to say what I feel to her, there is always something holding me back. I don't know but I don't think it's time for me to confess to her."Sana said as her voice started to tremble. Momo then patted her back

"I understand Sana, when you're ready, go there and tell her how you feel, don't force yourself okay."Momo said and Sana just nodded her head

"Thanks Momoring, thank you because you are always here for me you always make me feel better."Sana said and hug Momo

"Of course I'm always here for you, your my friend remember."Momo said while patting the squirrel girl's back


Tzuyu invited Sana outside to roam around. Their feet just brought them to the mall.

Little by little Tzuyu will be able to move on with Jungkook, Thanks to Sana because it helps her to move on to that guy.

Tzuyu doesn't know but when she's with Sana she feels very happy but no she's straight she can't be inlove with Sana besides they're just friends and nothing else.

Later on, some guys are looking at Sana's leg. Because she was only wearing shorts, at first Tzuyu hadn't seen it but when she saw it she gave the guys a deadly glare.

"I told you, do not wear shorts."Tzuyu said and remove her jacket and tie it on Sana's waist

"Hey missy."the first guy said

"What?."Tzuyu said coldly and glare at the two guys

"You are covering the beautiful view of Miss sexy."the second guy said with a smirk

"Shut the fuck up."Tzuyu said and cover Sana from behind. Sana is now trembling with fear while holding into Tzuyu's shoulders

"Come on young lady, we just want to meet the one with you."the second guy said

"Sorry but can you please get away from us?."Tzuyu said while raising one of her brow

"This one is kinda brave and delicious."The first guy said but he just whispered the last thing he said but Tzuyu still heard it

"Let's go Sana."Tzuyu said and quickly pulled Sana away from the two but one of them held Sana's wrist which made Tzuyu turn around

"Could you please let go of her hands?."Tzuyu said while holding Sana's hands that was held by the second guy

"Your being rude missy."the second guy said. Tzuyu chuckles

"Are you kidding me? Your the one who is rude here."Tzuyu said while trying to remove the guys hand on Sana

"L...let go of my hands."Sana said with a nervous tone

"I'm telling you to let go of her hands. If you don't let go of her hands you will regret it."Tzuyu glare at the second guy

"Just come with us."the second guy said and pulled Sana harshly

Tzuyu held Sana's other hand and kick the second guy's crotch. The guy is already squirming in pain. Tzuyu turn her look to the other men but he's already running.

"Told you, you will regret it."Tzuyu said and kick the guys face

"Tzuyu let's go."Sana said then pulled Tzuyu but Tzuyu stops her and held Sana's hand softly

"Is your hands hurt?."Tzuyu said while checking her hand. It have a small wound

"It's..n.. not that hurts."Sana said but Tzuyu shook her head

"I'm gonna heal this later, let's go."Tzuyu said and pulled her left hand

They already on Momo's Condo then Tzuyu immediately get the first aid kit and sit besides Sana.

"Tell me if it's hurts okay?."Tzuyu said as she put something on Sana's wound

"You know Tzuyu, you don't have to do this. It's just a small wound."Sana said while looking at Tzuyu

When Tzuyu is already done she look at Sana and she tuck her hair through her ears. Sana is now froze and her heart races inside of her chest.

"I don't want you to get hurt."Tzuyu said and hug Sana

Sana is froze by her sudden action, she didn't know why Tzuyu is doing this.

"Wh.. Why are you suddenly like that?."Sana ask and Tzuyu broke the hug

"I don't know, I just don't want you to get hurt."Tzuyu said and the two started to get silent. Their eyes met each others lip. Their heads are just inches apart when...

"Hey guys!."Momo said then the two parted away and act normal

"Yes Momo unnie?."Tzuyu said

"Nothing! Hey Sana why are you like that? What happen to you?."Momo ask. Sana just stood up and gave her a death glare

"You don't have to know."Sana whispered and headed upstairs

"What's wrong with her?."Momo ask. Tzuyu just shrugged her shoulders

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