Link x Reader- Part 16

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[A/N: Look, I decided to get off my lazy ass and write! Yay me!]

Your POV

You blinked tiredly as you drifted away from sleep. The light from the window shone in directly on you. You put your hand up over your eyes and squint.

"You awake?" You hear Link mumble tiredly.
"Yeah," you murmur back.
"Get up."
"I'm so tired," you whine, putting the blankets over your head.
"Get up," he repeats, pulling the blanket off.
"If you ever pull a blanket off of me again, I will pull your arms off," you growled, with a death glare for added effect.
"Sorry," he said with a chuckle.
You grumbled and rolled out of bed onto the floor.
"Yup," you murmured sarcastically.
Link sighed and walked over to you, grabbing your arm and trying to pull you up.
"C'mon. Wakey wakey."
"Did you just say wakey wakey?"
You snickered and tiredly pushed yourself up.
"I'm up. What now?" You said, crossing your arms.
"First, put on some more protective clothes, and then we're going to Ordon Village. Someone needed some help. Quite a few people, actually."
"Hnnngh, okay."
After borrowing (taking) a tunic from Link, you met him at the door. He held it open for you.
"What a gentleman," you joked.
"Watch out for the-"
Link's warning came a bit too late.
"...edge of the platform..."
You winced and stood up, brushing the dust off you from your fall.
"Yeah, thanks."
He went down the ladder, joining you at the bottom.
"Let's go."
Just as you started walking, a frantic Rusl runs up the past.
"Hyrule Castle- it's been taken over by the twilight again!"
Link groans.
"Again? Really? Are you sure? When did this happen?"
"Sometime yesterday! It's urgent- you must hurry!"
Link nods and grabs your wrist, running down the path into the woods.
"Whoah whoah whoah-- where exactly are we going?"
"It doesn't matter. C'mon!"
You struggled to keep up with him.
"Link, slow down, jeez-" you were cut off as he stopped abruptly and you ran right into him.
"Sorry," you said, stepping up to stand next to him.
He glared at the wall- was it a wall? -before you.
"The only way to get there..." He took a deep breath. The small imp named Midna jumped out of his shadow and floated through the wall effortlessly.
Link took a deep breath and stepped forward.
An orange hand shot out and grabbed him. You extended your hand, but he seemed fine with what was currently happening.
Stepping forward, you waited to see if the orange hand would pull you through as well.
You jumped as it did, and you dropped to the ground on the other side, curled into a small ball.
"What is- agh, what is this?" you grunted through pain.
A million thoughts raced through your head as you felt your body changing shape.
What's happening?!
You flopped down, drawing in long, ragged breaths.
You tried to speak, but your voice came out almost animal-like.
Sitting up, you look around, and jump a bit when you see a wolf staring at you, Midna on its back.
It barked- and you could understand it perfectly.
"Oh, good, you're okay."
You sat down awkwardly, probably with a confused look.
"I'd better explain," the wolf said (barked?) with a chuckle (can wolves chuckle? they can now.)
Where's Link?
"You're in the twilight. I was worried you wouldn't take beast form, honestly."
Beast form?
"Try to say- er, bark something."
"Good. Let's go."
"Go where?"
"Just follow me."
"Where's Link?"
"You're communicating with him."
"Oh. I see."

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now