Link x Reader-Part 4

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(A/N: here it is, it was like 30 seconds xD)
Chapter 4
You limp out of the building, supporting yourself with a wooden crutch the girl gave you.
"Oh hey, (y/n), we were just about to head out for some food in Castle Town, you can tag along if you'd like," Link offered with a smile.
"Sure!" He helps you up onto the horse, making sure you're situated before swinging his leg over. You saw a small trailer attached to the saddle of the horse, being pulled behind with two of the kids from earlier.
There's a long time of silence, then you finally notice the horse starts slowing down, coming to a halt near a fence.
Link ties the horse to the fence, and then he helps you down, trying not to let you land on your injured foot.
"That was amazing," you said, leaning back against the wall. "I don't think I've ever had food that good before." Everyone else murmured their agreement drowsily.
"It's getting dark, we should probably head back soon or else there'll be monsters everywhere," Link pointed out.
The process of him helping you up on the horse was repeated yet again, and you hummed a tune to yourself quietly on the way back.
"That song sounds familiar. Where did you hear it?" Link asks.
"My mom taught it to me when I was little. There's words too, but I don't remember them."
"Don't know where I would've heard it then," Link says, shrugging.
The sun sets past the edge of the horizon a few minutes after you're back in the village. Link told you to stay on the horse, so naturally you obeyed, since you can't really get off without help. You hear a door creak open farther down the road, Link walking out and shutting it behind him. He walks over and gets back on the horse, turning around and leaving the village.
"Huh? Where are we going?" You ask, confused.
"My house. Judging by the way you stayed in a cave for a day and a half, I'm guessing you don't have a place to stay?" He joked.
"No, I don't. I just kinda randomly... showed up here. I was at home, playing video games, then all of a sudden, I was here."
"Video games? What's that?" Link looked back at you with a puzzled expression
"Oh, uhh... just fancy games," you said awkwardly, remembering they don't have technology here.
"Anyway, here we are. Careful though, monsters could jump out at any second," he warned, helping you off the horse yet again.
"Tada! This is my house, nothing too fancy, just a house," Link said, smiling. You looked around and saw the walls were made of wood, lots of pictures, weapons, and other things hung up. There was a rug spread out on the floor, covering up the dark hardwood.
"You can sleep in the bed if you'd like, I can sleep on the sofa," Link said, grabbing a blanket off a shelf.
"No, it's your house, I can sleep on the sofa."
"C'mon, (y/n), you're hurt anyway, and the sofa's not as comfy as it looks."
"Are we actually gonna argue about this for a long time?" you joke, hitting his arm gently.
You gasp as a creature jumps out of his shadow, whispering something into his ear. He nods, and it disappears again.
"Uh, I can explain that tomorrow. But she had a good idea, i-if it's okay with you, of course..."
You nodded, signaling for him to go on.
"We could b-both sleep in the bed, I mean- n-not in that way, and if it's okay with you," he stuttered, his face turning a deep red. "It would also draw the monsters to one small place instead of two, so it's less likely there would be an attack."
"Yeah, that's fine," you say, smiling.
"You don't feel awkward about it at all?"
"No, when it comes to survival, I'm typically pretty compliant to any suggestions people have," you say,
re-adjusting yourself.
"It's getting pretty late, and we don't want to be completely exhausted tomorrow. Sleep is also the best way for me to heal."
"Oh, that reminds me," Link says, reaching for a bottle, "the girl that helped you earlier, Beth, told me to give this to you. She said it should speed up the healing process and rid of any pain during the night," he explained, giving you a bottle with some sort of red liquid in it. You could tell just by the transparency it had that it wasn't blood. You drank it all at once, as Beth had instructed you back at the village before.
"My feet actually feel better already, is this like magic or something?" you joke.
He gives you a tired half-smile as he puts some extra things in cabinets.
"Ok, how should I go about doing this," you mumble to yourself as you try to find a way to crawl up the ladder.
"Should I use my arms and-" you're cut off as something grabs the back of your shirt and lifts you up.
"Hey! Put me down!" you yell, flailing around.
"Calm down, you meatbag, I'm helping you," a voice says from behind you.
"Midna! What're you doing?!" Link exclaims, helping you out from her grasp.
"Helping her, as I said. Seriously, everyone I meet is so ignorant," she mumbles in annoyance.
"I'm oh so very sorry that I'm not used to giant orange hands grabbing the back of my shirt and lifting me up," you say sarcastically. "And I can get up by myself," you add.
You slowly start trying to climb the ladder, Link at the bottom in case you fall.
"You know I can just-"
"Midna, she's decided to climb up by herself, and we need to see if she's able to with that broken foot," Link says, hitting her arm gently.
Toward the top of the ladder when you think you're about to get to the platform, your foot cramps and you fall backwards. Link tries to catch you, but just ends up breaking your fall.
"Nice catch," you joke, rolling to the side so he can get up.

"Heh, sorry, my foot cramped up," you say, helping Link up.
"It's alright, I can help you up," he offers. "You can't get hurt again."
"Soooo, how am I going to get up?"
"Don't you even think about it..."
You start laughing hysterically as he groans and lifts you up onto his back, climbing up the ladder.
"I am only doing this because you're crippled, don't expect this again unless your entire leg is broken," Link growls, setting you down.
You yawn, laying the wooden crutch on the wall beside you.
"We should probably go to bed, we can't be super tired tomorrow," Link says, hanging his shield and sword sheathe on a hook. "What? Is there something on my face?"
"No, are you just gonna sleep in... that? You don't have like, pajamas or anything?" By his confused expression, you guess that he doesn't know what pajamas are. "You know, clothes that you sleep in?"
"(y/n), I don't know where you came from, but they have weird stuff there. Why should you go through the trouble of completely changing clothes just to sleep?"
"So you're more comfortable. Seriously, you're wearing chain mail underneath your tunic. That can't be comfortable."
He just shrugged. "You get used to it I guess."
"No, that makes my back hurt just thinking about it. You can't wear chain mail while you sleep, it'll cut up your back and arms. Don't you have anything with less... metal?"
"Uhhh..." He jumps off the platform, walking to a cabinet. "How's this?" he asks, holding up some patchier clothes that DON'T have chain mail under them.
"That's better," you say, smiling. "I honestly don't understand how you ever slept while wearing chain mail. Your skin would have to be made of lead," you say, shooing him into the other room to change.

"Happy?" He says, walking out with the clothes on.
"Yup," you chirp.
"You're weird, (y/n)," Link sighs.
"Would you rather me be boring? Boring's no fun."
"Fine, you can be weird," he chuckles.
You jump as he hits the top of the ladder with his foot, kicking it to the floor.
"Uh, don't we need that?"
"I'll set it back up in the morning, one time a monster got in and climbed up the ladder. Ever since then, I kick the ladder down before I go to sleep. Even if they get in, they'll give up and leave or I'll hear them and I can shoot them with my bow. Just tell me if you need something in the middle of the night, I can jump down and set it up."

"You seem to have a system here," you say, looking at the bow hung on the wall by the sword and shield.
He throws a boomerang at the torch in the middle of the room, extinguishing it.
"So your weapons double as common household objects?"
"Pretty much, yes. One time I made a sandwich and didn't have a knife or a plate, so I used my sword and shield. Simple compromising," he said.
"Ok, I'm going to try to lay down without killing myself, if that's possible," you say, stumbling around.
Link walks over and grabs your arm, the one that you forgot was broken, and guides you toward the bed.
"And you didn't kill yourself," he laughed.

"Goodnight, (y/n)," Link said, rolling over.
"Goodnight," you mumbled in response, staring at the ceiling. You suddenly weren't tired at all, even though you were the most tired person on the planet earlier. You soon heard Link's quiet snores, filling the quiet room.
You wrapped your arms around him, whispering 'thank you' in his ear, a tear falling from your eye. As you're about to pull your arms back to yourself, his hand slips over yours, holding you there. Your face heats up and you fall asleep smiling, your head rested against his back.

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now