Link x Reader-Part 15 ***WARNING: SMUT CHAPTER!***

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I have warned you. Skip this chapter if you don't want smut.

It isn't important to plot development.

That's why you can skip it.

DO NOT rage in the comments.
I'll just delete em.

Last chance to turn back!


(I'm going to hell. Someone make a throne for me.)
Your POV

You were just sitting in silence, holding hands. It wasn't a weird, awkward silence; more a peaceful one. Whatever wasn't spoken was said through the silence.

There were few sounds, only the faint noise of the trees moving in the distance. It was like you were in a daze. He squeezed your hand lightly, letting you know he was still there.

You sighed and snuggled into him, closing your eyes for a minute. Link rubbed circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, pulling you closer with his free arm.

"I... I'm just so glad you're safe," he said, squeezing your hand again. You smiled and looked at your intertwined hands. A chill ran up your spine as he lightly trailed his finger from your wrist up to your elbow.

Your heartbeat quickened as he suddenly leaned down and kissed you. You turned your body to the side a bit, changing the uncomfortable position when you realized this would go a bit farther.

You both pulled back from the kiss, panting for air.

"Damn lungs," you cursed under your breath. Link chuckled a bit and you could see a slight blush on his face.

You grab the front of his tunic, pulling him back in (a bit roughly) for another kiss.

But he wasn't letting you take the lead.

You smirked a bit as he suddenly pinned you down, a mischievous glint jumping into his eyes.

The gap between you was closed before you could say anything. You were pulling Link into the kiss even though he was on top of you. You gasped a bit as he lightly grazed his teeth over your bottom lip. He took this as an opportunity to slide his tongue in.

You took dominance once more, suddenly flipping over so you're on top. Link took this as a challenge, making the kiss a bit rougher.

You smiled a bit into the kiss as Link sat up, picking you up and walking near the wall.

He set you down and pulled back, pushing you up against the wall roughly. He grabbed your hands, pinning them up above your head.

Link leaned in for another kiss, not letting you lean forward at all. You were pressed completely against the wall, unable to move. There was absolutely no gap between the two of you, boundaries crossed and the term 'personal space' had been hurled out the window.

The fight for dominance resumed when you pushed yourself forward, trying to get Link off so you could take the lead. He was stronger than you, and he slammed you back against the wall.

Link once again slid his tongue into your mouth, earning a small moan from you. You pried your arms from his tight grasp, wrapping them around him to hug him closer-- if that was even possible. Your hands found your way up into his hair, slightly tugging on it occasionally.

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now