Link x Reader-Part 6

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(A/N: Wooo 2 chapters in 1 day :0 go me. Anyway I can't decide which game story to stick to so i guess I'll mix them all together??? i hope that's okay >.> also its a really short chapter haaaaaa I'm mean I know.)

Your POV

The only sound you could hear was Epona's hooves hitting the ground with each gallop.

Hearing Link curse, you look around him to see the bridge is out.

"Alright Epona, you can jump this," he said, patting the side of her neck.

You close your eyes, expecting her to not make it, but you gasp as her feet hit the ground on the other side.

In utter shock, you have to clutch onto Link to keep yourself from falling off. You feel embarrassed, but it's better than falling.

"I think Colin's up here," Link said, pointing to a gate made of wood and iron.

"It's locked!" you exclaim.

"I've got a bunch of keys, at least a couple of them should work here..." he mumbled, digging around for something in the pouch on his belt.

"Aha, here it is," he exclaimed, stopping Epona and jumping off.

You're still hugging his waist rather tightly, and he drags you down along with him when he jumps off, which results in you both in a heap on the ground.

"Heh, sorry..." you say awkwardly, getting up.

He shrugs it off, and quickly walks over to the locked gate, fumbling around with the key.

He unlocks it within a few seconds, and you jog in after him, really not wanting to be left behind.

"What is this place?" you ask, confused.

"Dunno, but it's kinda creepy," Link said, dodging a Keese flying around.

"Do we have any id-" you were cut off abruptly by something being slipped into your mouth and tied behind your head.

You yelled, trying to get the thing off, but it muffled your screams and was tied too tight.

Your arms were tied together extremely tight behind your back, and you were picked up and roughly carried out the back of the cave.


You screamed, hoping he would hear you, but he didn't noticed until he was tied up himself and carried out the other end.

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now