Link x Reader-Part 2

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Chapter 2
When you wake up, you're not in your house, but a wide, empty field with a lake and a huge bridge over it. 'Huh?' You think to yourself, looking around. A low growl comes from behind you, and you're suddenly crushed by whatever made the growl. You struggle to sit up underneath its weight, trying to see what it is. You lift up your head just enough to see its face.
It's a purple-blue creature, wearing nothing but shreds and cloths. It has a large club in one hand, and is holding you down with the other. It lifts up the club to hit you, and out of terror you quickly roll to the side. The club just barely missed your head -- but it hit your arm. You feel the bones in your arm get crushed as the club hits it with almost perfect aim. You try as hard as you can to not scream, and you finally make it to your feet, stumbling.
It lifts the club again to hit you, but you keep dodging until you're close enough to actually do something. You backflip into it and it drops the club, which you quickly pick up before it realizes. It's not going to just be defeated like that, though. It's still very strong, even without the club. The club is so heavy that you can't use it very well, and it keeps falling on your foot. You soon get the feel for it, and hit the creature a few times, but he still won't go down. He hits you across the face with a stick from the ground, and it burns your cheek, definitely leaving a mark.
It punches you in the throat and you start coughing up blood. You suddenly get a rush of adrenaline and lift the club, hitting it square in the head, and only then does it fall. It's reduced to dust almost instantly, leaving a small green gem behind. You pick it up, as it could be useful later.
Looking down and seeing how battered and broken you are, you grab the club again and drag it to a nearby cave, where you huddle in the corner.
You fall asleep, waking up when the sun is going down. After scanning the area more, you hear what woke you up; a horse. Looking out more intently, you see the horse. But there's someone on it!
"Excuse me, over there, you on the horse?" You call out, but they didn't hear you over the sound of the horse's hooves on the stone path.
Discouraged, you lay your head back against the wall of the cave. You're dehydrated, tired, and hungry, and the only shelter in the entire field is the cave. You're too tired to do anything other than sleep, you're too tired to even cry.
You sigh and curl back up into the corner of the cave, falling asleep in seconds.
Maybe tomorrow you'll find out why and how you got here.

(A/N: I hope you guys are liking the story cx Part 1 has 13 views already like wow thanks a bunch :D Im posting part 3 and 4 in a few minutes :D)

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now