Link x Reader- Part 13

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Your POV

"Get the hell off," you growled, grabbing his arm and pushing it off of you.

"Fiesty, are we?" he said, smirking.

"Pervert," you muttered, rolling your eyes and elbowing him in the shoulder.

"If you would let me go, I would stop injuring you. But you seem intent on leaving me here, so I'll keep hurting you," you giggled.

"I see," he growled, snapping his fingers. You were harshly thrown against the cold stone wall, squeaking as chains were wrapped around your wrists and ankles.

"I'm the one with magic here. All you have is your drive for victory, which is worth next to nothing strength-wise."

You narrowed your eyes as he stepped closer.

He put his hands on your hips, causing you to glare at him.

"Do. Not. Ever. Do. That," you said angrily. Dark Link smirked, putting his hands by his sides but not stepping away.

He just stepped closer.

"If your sole purpose of this is to try to get me to like you, it won't work, asshole," you snapped.

"Oh, you'll see what my real purpose is," he smirked, and with a snap of his fingers, you were out cold.

Link's POV
"Damn that Dark Link," I mumbled, feeling the dark, murky aura he left.

"Where's (y/n)?" Colin asked, looking up at me.

I sighed, not wanting to tell him.

"You head back to Ordon, I'll look for her, okay?"

"Can I help you look for her?" he asked, smiling.

I kneeled next to him, putting an arm on his shoulder.

"The place where I think she is is really dangerous, and I wouldn't want you getting hurt. But next time I go on a quest, you can help, okay?" I said, standing up and ruffling his hair.
He smiled, running back to Ordon.

I resaddled Epona, mumbling under my breath.

"He just doesn't take a break," I mumbled, taking off.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter :c)

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now